dimanche 17 mai 2020

The Bleiburg Nazi-Ustashe Racism & Genocide has been moved to Sarajevo.

Yes, we've been talking about this for a while now. There was not much we could do
about it since protesters were prevented from going anywhere near this ceremony
for the Ustashe executed by the Partisans at Bleiburg at the end of the war.

Basically the Bosnian government supported this by allowing it to happen.

As you will recall the Croatian Neo-Nazis have been angry ever since
the Austrian government shut down the annual Bleiburg commemoration
after pressure from Zuroff which was the biggest gathering
of Neo-Nazis in the world. So, they did this instead and the Bosnian
government allowed it.

"Memorial to the Croatian victims
of communist crimes at Bleiburg, Austria"
(this is a photo & caption from a Croat nationalist website of the Austrian memorial where neo-nazis used to flock to every year but is now banned - so now Bosnia allows them to come to Sarajevo and have a Ustashe-Nazi festival there. Protests need to be made against both the Vatican and the Bosnia's govt. This is a matter of national security for Serbia and for Israel.)
posted by Tony Gronowicz  & Manny Ness:
·         NEWS
·         /
·         BOSNIA

Bosnians rally against mass in Sarajevo for Nazi-allied soldiers

Thousands demonstrate against a mass in Sarajevo for Croatia’s Nazi-allied soldiers, civilians after World War II ended.
4 hours ago

Protesters sang anti-fascists songs and held up photos of resistance members who were tortured and killed [Dado Ruvic/Reuters]


·         Letters to a Nazi4 days ago
·         Victory Day and Russia's war cultlast week
Thousands of Bosnians, many wearing masks, demonstrated on Saturday against a mass in Sarajevo for Croatia's Nazi-allied soldiers and civilians killed by partisan forces at the end of World War II.
The mass was a replacement for a controversial annual gathering usually held in Bleiburg, Austria, which was cancelled due to restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic.


§  Croatia is a crucible of hyper-nationalism

§  Bleiburg: Far-right Croats to mourn WWII dead in Austria

§  How Croatia's World Cup party highlighted 'fascist nostalgia'

Another small replacement event took place Saturday at a cemetery in Zagreb, Croatia.
The decision to hold the mass in Sarajevo provoked a strong backlash in a country where the memory of ethnic war in the 1990s is still fresh.
It was condemned by Bosnia's Serbian Orthodox Church, the Jewish and Muslim communities and several anti-fascist organisations.
Protesters, many wearing masks, walked through the city singing anti-fascists songs and holding up photos of resistance members who were tortured and killed by Nazi-allied Croatian forces during their rule over Sarajevo during World War II.
"My two grandfathers, their brothers and my grandmother were all killed by these fascists who have been honoured today," said retired electro-technician Cedomir Jaksic, 63.
"It is not normal that a city such as Sarajevo, which was terrorised so much in both World War II and the last war (in the 1990s), allows something like this to happen," he added.
Zvonimir Nikolic, a 57-year-old economist, called the mass a "disaster for Sarajevo."
"Sarajevo is among a few cities in the world where this mass should never be held because the regime it commemorates committed monstrous crimes in Sarajevo," said Nikolic, who is Catholic.
For Croatian nationalists, the annual event symbolises their suffering under communism in the former Yugoslavia.
However, in recent years, Croatia has increasingly been criticised for historical revisionism. The annual mass in Bleiburg, as well as the one in Sarajevo on Saturday, was held with the support of Croatian parliamentarians.

Protected mass 

Police sealed off the area around Sarajevo's Catholic Cathedral, where Bosnian Archbishop Cardinal Vinko Puljic said mass to a congregation of few dozen Croat dignitaries and priests.
In his sermon, Puljic asked for more information on how the people had died and where they were buried, as well as for respect and forgiveness for all victims of World War II. Smaller memorials were also held in Zagreb and Bleiburg.

Article below posted by Nada Ljubic with Nada's translation:

A Mass for the "Bleiburg Victims" was held at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Sarajevo, during which strong police forces were deployed around the cathedral. Pedestrian access was prohibited from 9 a.m., and vehicle traffic was diverted to bypass neighboring streets.

An anti-fascists protest of several thousand people was held at the Marin Palace.

They paid tribute to the victims of fascist terror during World War II and expressed opposition to today's Mass for the "Bleiburg victims", which is being held at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the BiH capital.

SUBNOR member Bakir Nakas pointed out that the goal of today's gathering was "to say 'No' to fascism, which has raised its head again, after 35 years, and is trying to revive everything that the people have forgotten in 45 years."

SDP MP in the BiH Parliament, Sasa Magazinovic, said that "it is very devastating that the Parliament of neighboring Croatia can organize and sponsor events in another country (today's Mass), without asking any of the local authorities about it."

At the gathering of anti-fascists, Magazinovic asked could BiH be the sponsor of the mass in the Zagreb Cathedral for the victims of the Ustasha regime.

He assessed that on the occasion of the Mass to the "Bleiburg victims", "the reaction of the Presidency of BiH was extremely lukewarm, almost non-existent, it could not understand that politics is not guided by statements and announcements, but by concrete moves, and they did not take them."

Magazinović emphasized that this is not about interfering in the work of a church, but about the fight for anti-fascist values on which both BiH and the entire EU are based.

It was announced that the names of all those who were killed by members of the so-called NDH in Sarajevo during the Second World War would be read at the gathering of anti-fascists.



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