lundi 4 mai 2020

COSI - Venezuela, World Peace Council Condemn Incursion by Armed Mercenaries into Venezuela
Both the World Peace Council and the Committee for International Solidarity and the Struggle for Peace (COSI-Venezuela), have sharply denounced the recent attempted sea incursion of armed mercenaries into Venezuela as an act of aggression by U.S. imperialism and its local allies. Their statements follow:
WPC Statement
The World Peace Council (WPC) condemns in the strongest way the attempt of armed mercenaries to incur by sea, on 3rd May 2020 into Venezuela. This new act of aggression constitutes one more violation of the integrity and sovereignty of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. It reflects the goals and actions of US and EU imperialism and their partners in the region, namely the Colombian oligarchy and the reactionary forces.
The evidence and proofs provided by the Venezuelan army and authorities after the successful defeat of the attempt and the arrest of the perpetrators show clearly the intention behind this action, for a violent regime change and the control of the rich energy resources of the country. It becomes obvious that imperialists, their allies and local oligarchy in Venezuela are not only sharpening their sanctions and unilateral coercive measures during the Covid-19 pandemic, but they also do not hesitate to use military and armed provocations against the people of Venezuela.
The WPC expresses its full solidarity to the people of Venezuela and its anti-imperialist peace loving forces, particularly to our member organisation COSI Venezuela whose statement and actions we endorse.
We call upon all members and friends of the WPC to stay alerted and vigilant for possible similar actions and to denounce by all available means these imperialist aggressions, demanding the lifting of all sanctions and the blockade of Venezuela.
The internationalist and anti-imperialist solidarity amongst the peoples will prevail!
WPC Secretariat, May 4, 2020
COSI rejects mercenary incursion in Venezuela
In the name of the Committee for International Solidarity and the Struggle for Peace (COSI-Venezuela), we express our firm rejection of the events today in Venezuela, in which a group of mercenaries, trained and protected by the Colombian government and with the total support of US and European imperialism, attempted to enter Venezuelan territory by sea.
Thanks to the swift action of the security institutions of the Venezuelan State, the Bolivarian Militia and the patriotic and anti-imperialist consciousness of the entire people, the incursion by this first armed command was controlled. The situation, however, continues to develop, demanding maximum alertness in the country against those who seek to increase violence and fulfil imperialism's plans of dominating Venezuela and the rest of the continent.
These deeds demonstrate that the plans to attack our country continue, despite the complicated global situation caused by the COVID-19 sanitary emergency, and confirms the denunciations which the COSI has previously made to the UN Human Rights Council concerning the strengthening and promotion of mercenary and terrorist groups in Venezuela with the complete backing and financing of the US government.
We call on all of the progressive people who defend peace and stand in solidarity with Venezuela to reject this intervention, military plans for the country and to call for the raising of the unilateral coercive measures and an end to the criminal blockade.
Unity of the Peoples to Defend Peace!
COSI - Venezuela
May 3, 2020

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