mercredi 9 janvier 2019

Supplement to La Vie Réelle in English, February 9th 2011


By Daniel Paquet                   

Every springtime, during school mid-term, thousands of US University and College students gather in Florida, at the beaches, for a few days.  They take free time to meet, to have fun together and why not… to make love.  Well, let’s call a cat, a cat…  They relax their mind and their body; this is no time for worries.  Usually, they don’t want to get into troubles; they may not be rich, drive a jalopy, but they are on their own.  Those are happy days, that they will recall for the rest of their life.
Most of them will become lawyers, scientists, professionals or white collars, in general.  Some will remember their modest social and economical background, and connect with the labour movement or “devote their life” within people’s organizations, like president Obama did, or become full-time “executives” in the AFL-CIO, the US trade union centre, for instance; while a few will join the US Communist movement; at least for now.
Of course, altogether this “privileged layer” may choose to support the cause of peoples, plundered by US monopolies; the ones that offer good jobs and prospects for their personal future, if they make the “right” choice, namely to defend –with their brain and any other capacity- US imperialism at home and around the world; including lost battles such as the 30 years Egyptian “democratic” regime, at his time headed by Hosni Mubarak, a US straw man.  In this case, a statement issued by the Egyptian Communist Party says: “The hour of truth is near and the decisive moment has arrived when the Egyptian people pronounce their final word asserting the need to bring down Mubarak and change his regime.  It seems that the life of the regime of tyranny (…) especially that its American masters have taken their hands off in the wake of the continuing revolution of the people and its escalation everywhere in Egypt.”  Was that the prelude to the Arab Spring?
Like wrote New York Metro newspaper on February 6th, “demonstrators in central Tahrir (Liberation, Ed.) Square, focal point of an uprising that has rocked the Arab world and alarmed Western powers, said they would intensify their 12-day battle to oust the president who has vowed to stay on until September.”  So far, as reported by the Toronto Metro –on February 8th- “Protesters have clashed with police who fired live rounds, tear gas and rubber bullets and fought pitched street battles for two days with gangs of pro-Mubarak supporters who attacked their main demonstration site in Cairo’s central Tahrir Square.”
Young people, especially students in North America are ever more stunned by the striking uprising.  Students’ leaders in Canada, those who got in touch with the International Union of Students (IUS), are more or less aware of the events.  By the end of the 1970s, exchanges took place at the international level, including the 1978 World Festival of Youth and Students (Habana, Cuba).  Parti québécois (PQ) members and other nationalists got scared of these contacts, especially between IUS and the Québec National Association of Students (ANEQ). Today, through a press release on the thwarting of examination and police assault, “Egyptian students demand you to uphold the student movement against repress and deprivation of examination. […]  Hundreds of students of the Egyptian universities have already been attacked; additional to tens who have been prevented from examining, as well as having had their right of expression and demonstration abolished.  Thus we demand you to stand in solidarity with us against the arbitrariness and repress, practiced by the authority and the university against the students”.  ( )  According to Metro, the death toll in Egypt nears 300 on Feb. 8th 2011.
Québec students (and North American students as a whole), should not be afraid to defend their viewpoints anytime and anywhere.

Communist News
La Nouvelle Vie Réelle
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La Vie Réelle
Pour la KOMINTERN now!

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