lundi 21 janvier 2019


A lesson in dialecticaly analyzing breaking news

The Worker Editorial Board Response
Recent viral videos sprung up showing a group of white high-school students wearing MAGA hats and clothing . The recordings from Washington DC revealed what appeared to be students surrounding and harassing a Native American US military veteran.
During Friday’s (Jan. 18, 2019) Indigenous Peoples March in Washington DC, a group of white private high-school students from Kentucky wearing MAGA-branded clothing and hats appeared to surround and harass 64-year-old Native American Nathan Phillips, a veteran of the Vietnam War, as he played a drum and chanted in his native language.
Though subsequent videos shows before the drummiing started, the young teenage boys were being verbally harrassed themselves. Black Hebrew Israelites, BHI, were taunting and insulting their (students) faith, their priests and their culture. What appeared to be smugness towards the Omaha Indigenous elder was being directed towards the BHI. How would any young teenage boy respond to this verbal abuse?
The social media culture is used to manipulate and incite persons while maybe not tellilng the whole story. Knee jerk reactions further the racism divide that is enveloping all nations. We can’t just take a live streamed video or Instagram picture to tell the whole story. We have to go old school and use dialetical reasoning skills before making snap judgement.
Here is what we know to be reliable truth.
MAGA-branded clothing and hats are typically worn by supporters of President Donald Trump, and the ‘Make America Great Again’ (MAGA) slogan is considered to be the most important catchphrase of the 45th US president’s administration.
Seeding Sovereignity, (, wrote of working through their own complicated and emotional reactions to the video, and attested to the generosity Phillips displayed: “The way we see it, uncle blessed them in spite of their behavior because he knows our ancestral teachings. Many of us love to say we are rising in beauty, but how many of us put that sentiment into action?
Many have observed that Trump’s polarizing rhetoric on immigrants to the US has contributed to the current climate of racial abuse.
US House Representative Deb Haaland (D-NM), a Native American and a professed Catholic, was at the DC rally.Haaland, pointed out that Trump has made it a habit to use Indian names, including Pocahontas, as insults toward political opponents.
“It is sad that we have a president who uses Native American women’s names as racial slurs, and that’s an example that these kids are clearly following, considering the fact that they had their ‘Make America Great Again’ [MAGA] hats on,” Haaland noted. “[Trump has] really brought out the worst in people,” the lawmaker added.
Rebecca Bengal, Vogue, reported eloquently, “On the video footage, it is difficult to hear exactly what is said. The students encircle Phillips, camera phones held out, a few jeering as he sings. One of them, smiling, maintains direct eye contact. Phillips kept on drumming. “We’re indigenous,” he said the next day in an interview with Indian Country Today. “We’re different than that. When we see our youth going the wrong way, we will go up and say, “You are doing the wrong thing there, Nephew or Grandson. This is just the wrong way.”
While this story is still unfolding, the fact remains that ill-equipped Trump for the presidency enflames white nationalism. The root issue here is racism. It also further documents how the imperialistic fascists incite class divisions amoung all working class groups. At first news reports incited anger towards the white youth. The new videos incite hatered towards BHI, This must be addressed. There is no room in scientific socialism for class division.

The Worker brand new layout and print edition. Be looking for it soon!


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