samedi 15 juillet 2017

On July 4th the USA celebrated the 241st Anniversary of its break with imperial Britain. The US Declaration of Independence published on that day states:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
This statement was made at the birth of a nation whose Founding Fathers were predominantly landowners and whose First and Third Presidents, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were slave owners. The Second President John Adams, while not a slave owner was opposed to the vote being given to men with no property:
“Is it not ...true, that Men in general in every Society, who are wholly destitute of Property, are also too little acquainted with public Affairs to form a Right Judgment, and too dependent upon other Men to have a Will of their own?.. if you give to every Man, who has no Property, a Vote, will you not make a fine encouraging Provision for Corruption by your fundamental Law?” (John Adams, Letter to James Sullivan 26th May 1776)
And how did these landowners acquire their land?
By the means of systematic genocide against the former inhabitants of “their” country.
Such was the hypocrisy of those who signed the Declaration Of Independence, a document in which they had no belief.
We salute those valiant Americans who have stood up against injustice over the years; those who fought bravely against the invader, such as Crazy Horse of the Dakota Sioux and Geronimo of the Chiricahua Apache; fighters against slavery like Nat Turner, John Brown and Harriet Tubman; trade unionists like Joe Hill, Big Bill Haywood and César Chavez; civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Angela Davis; and of course communists like William Z, Foster, Gus Hall and Henry Winston.
We celebrate the fact that Bernie Sanders was able to bring the word ‘socialism’ back into the American vocabulary — but the blatant rigging of the Democratic Party Convention put the corrupt psychopath and warmonger Hilary Clinton against the simple-minded redneck Donald Trump who, due to the opaque and undemocratic voting system became US President.
We condemn the US support for Wahabi Saudi Arabia and Islamic terrorism against the people of Libya, Iraq, Syria and Yemen; for Zionist Israel against the Palestinians; and for its support of Turkey against the Kurdish people.
We see in Latin America, particularly in Brazil and Argentina that the US is funding and assisting extreme right reactionaries against the progressive governments of those countries. It has succeeded in Brazil and is trying hard to overthrow the government of Venezuela and return the whole of Latin America to its former stats as the “backyard” of the USA.
As Africans we condemn utterly the military occupation of our continent through the AFRICOM programme, the horrific looting of DR Congo and the murders of Patrice Lumumba, Pierre Mulele and Laurent Kabila under the auspices of the CIA. and the war which killed 5 million people there.
In our country Zimbabwe, we suffered from the US manipulation and interference in our affairs which began with the murder of Josiah Tongogara, the side-lining of Joshua Nkomo and the manipulation which put Robert Mugabe in power. We then were faced with the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP), the Zimbabwean version of the monetarist programme and neo-liberal philosophy which emanated from the United States and has destroyed economies worldwide.
Now, under the moronic leadership of Donald Trump, sanctions against Cuba have been reinstated and the USA has refused to acknowledge that it is the world’s dirtiest country in terms of the emission of greenhouse gasses — because of wanting to make a quick profit, the USA has demonstrated very clearly that it is the home of backward anti-scientific ideology.
America has just celebrated its Independence from Britain — but when is the rest of the world going to obtain its independence from the United States of America?
Benny Moyo
Secretary for International Relations
Zimbabwe Communist Party
Contacts : +263 77 856 9168

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