mardi 18 juillet 2017

Poruka solidarnosti KP Italije:
To the Central Committee of the
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

Dear comrades,

the Communist Party (Italy) expresses the work...ers of FCA Srbija on strike its solidarity and
asks you to forward them our militant support and wishes of success in their important struggle.
FIAT has always acted as one of the most reactionary representatives of Italian capital. Low
wages, violation of the trade union's rights, repression, blackmail and espionage over workers
have always been the main features of its behavior in industrial relations. FIAT has taken
advantage of enormous state subsidies, paid by Italian taxpayers and used to make its owners and
managers richer and to fund its internationalization instead of productive investments in our
country. Nowadays, FIAT definitely became a transnational corporation, exploiting workers in the
US and other foreign countries, according to the laws of development of capitalism in its imperialist
In the case of FCA Srbija, capitalism once more reveals its rapacious and parasitic face.
The increasing competition among imperialist entities pushes capitalists of each country to seek for
more competitiveness, a goal that today is pursued only by reducing the cost of labor. Instead of
re-investing a part of their profit to get more competitiveness through products and process'
innovation, everywhere capitalists are choosing the way of intensifying exploitation, reducing
wages, canceling basic social services. The result is an unbearable downfall of the workers' life
standard and a powerful stop of the development of the productive forces.
Communists must stand at the head of the workers' struggle in every country and be able to
connect the every-day fight for economic improvements to the final political goal of overthrowing
capitalism and establish Socialism. We must make the workers aware that any economic
improvement of their life standard opens new contradictions in the current mode of production, but
is a temporary achievement in capitalistic conditions, that can be questioned and canceled at any
time. Economic and life standard improvements can become stable and definitive only if the
workers' class takes the ownership of the means of production and the production itself in their
own hands, by seizing the political power in its entirety.
The proletarian international solidarity plays an important role for the success of the
workers' struggles in any country and is a powerful weapon to be used against capitalism and its
restructuring plans. Because of this, we consider the struggle of FCA Srbija workers as ours, and
fully support their claims for wage increases, working time and pace reduction and the
achievement of other benefits. We wish their strike success until the final victory over the
capitalistic barbarity.
Workers all over the world, unite!

Rome, July 15th 2017

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