dimanche 7 avril 2019


Whatever appearance happens to look like

By Daniel Paquet                                                                      dpaquet1871@gmail.com

MONTRÉAL – Several years ago, the question of the very existence of the Communist Party knocked at the door.  As Lenin put it :  « The RSDLP (Communist Party) was confronted with the question of how to re-establish the Party (in the 1910s).  Clearly, it was impossible to re-establish the Party jointly with those who wanted to liquidate the Party or with those who boycotted the Duma (Parliament) and legal opportunities. » (On the Organizational Principles of a Proletarian Party, Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, Moscow, 1972, page 207).
In Québec, thus, poitical debates occur between the bourgeoisie and the far-right petty-bourgeoisie.  « Gérard Bouchard, the academic whose report provided the intellectual foundation for Qiuebec’s attempt to regulate religious dress in the publiic service, has joined his co-author Charles Taylor in condemning the latest draft bill before the legislature.  Mr. Bouchard, a sociologist who wrote a report with Mr. Taylor 11 years ago suggesting the government impose a secular dress code for public servants in  ‘coercive’ roles, blasted Premier François Legault in an article in La Presse for vastly expanding the list to include, among others, teachers [and] to ban religious garments such as the hijab and turban for public servants in what the government describes as ‘positions of authority.’ » https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-bouchard-opposes-caq-religious-symbols-bill/
Québec’s government goal is to protect French-Canadian national identity as supported by fascistic movement like La Meute claims for.  Surprisingly enough, old language in other part of the world are encouraged, such as Gaelic.  « The ancient traditions of Gaelic poetry have bloomed again, ceenturies later [The Globe and Mail] television critic John Doyle is awed by the pleasures and passions of a purportedly dying language. »  Incidentally, French language is by no means threatened in Canada (including into Québec). (Gaelic’s great awakening, October 27, 2018, Toronto, page R3).
The future of Canada as a whole is rather at stake with its giant Southern neighbour.  « The US unipolar state can’t keep out of other people’s business.  They don’t invade powerful states.  But they antagonize their target states like Russia by interfering in their internal affairs through using civil society institutions, CIA-fronted organizations such as the National Endowment for Democracy, sanctioning business persons and particular industries, mucking around trying to disrupt trade relations with Europe and elsewhere, hammering away at alleged human rights violations.  This mucking around activity is topped off with a relentless anti-Russia propaganda game and endless insults from leaders.  The US has also promoted ‘color revolutions’ in Georgia and the Ukraine to turn them into subversient liberal democracies (sic). »  https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/04/01/liberalism-as-a-source-of-trouble/print/
The Forbes magazine, as for one, writes that we are now on the duty of « reimagining capitalism… to make the greatest system ever invented more responsible, more accessible and more accountable … for a new american dream. (…) The eternal beauty of the free market is its ability  to evolve. [Warren Buffett said :] ‘The luckiest person that will ever be born in the world to date will be a baby being born in the United States today ‘. »  (Special Issue, March 31, 2019, pages cover and 36).
A side-effect of capitalist business is that « bribes are a part of the business world, but they come at a cost ». (Montero, David, The Globe and Mail, Toronto, March 23, 2019, page 05).
Furthermore, Lenin characterized imperialism as the supreme stage of decaying capitalism.  For instance, US imperialism has now a very strong competitor, the People’s Republic of China, and its decisions must be reckoned upon.  For instance, « China has halted new purchases of Canadian canola, industry says. » (Vanderklippe, Nathan, The Globe and Mail, Toronto, March 23, 2019, page A3).
Whatsoever, Donald Trump is saying, times are changing.  « To the concern of Germany, France, Holland and other EU countries, Italy’s coalition has just signed a Memorandum of Understanding  with China to join China’s Belt Road Initiative, the so-called New Economic Silk Road.  Italy is the only industrial G7 country so far to opt in to the BRI.  The  China deal has the potential to change the geopolitics of not only the EU but also most of the world.  It’s about who controls which major maritime ports of world commerce. » (Engdahl, F. William, Global Research, April 02, 2019).  https://www.globalresearch.ca/xi-jinping-italy-its-ports/5673397

Communist News

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