lundi 1 avril 2019

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Defense Of European Empires Was Original NATO Goal

By Yves Engler. From the outset Canadian officials had an incredibly expansive definition of NATO’s supposed defensive character, which says an “attack against one ally is considered as an attack against all allies.” As part of the Parliamentary debate over NATO external minister Lester Pearson said: “There is no better way of ensuring the security of the Pacific Ocean at this particular moment than by working out, between the great democratic powers, a security arrangement the effects of which will be felt all over the world, including the Pacific area.” -more-

Gaza Marks Great March Of Return Anniversary

By Ahmad Kabariti, Mondoweiss. Human waves flooded the Israel-Gaza fence beginning Saturday morning marking the first anniversary of the Great March of Return protests, facing off against Israeli forces behind the fortified barbed-wire fence. The demonstrators gathered despite rain, and even as Egypt is seeking to mediate a deal to end the blockade of Gaza. For the fifty-second week in succession, Israeli military’s tear gas canisters, live rounds and rubber bullets broke into the shouts of demonstrators, more than 40,000 (according to Israeli army), gathering at several locations along the border.  -more-

2019 Sees The Return Of Labor Activism As Workers Strike Back

By Dan Sisken, National Labor Relations Board data indicate that 2018 marked a huge upsurge in strikes by workers across the U.S. The year saw 21 major work stoppages involving 485,000 workers, compared with 25,000 in 2017. The most obvious takeaway is this: In the year of the Janus Supreme Court decision that prevented unions from charging fees to non-union workers who still benefit from union-negotiated contracts, workers were anything but cowed. Workers struck across the country, including hotel workers, university graduate students, United Steelworkers locals, and staff of the University of... -more-

Indigenous Activists Take Atlantic Coast Pipeline To Court

By Steve Norris, Popular Resistance. This week in a small remote corner of North Carolina, two mega fossil fuel corporations, Duke and Dominion, may have met their match. In the Robeson County Courthouse in Lumberton Lumbee and Tuscarora neighbors of a proposed metering and regulation(M&R) station (including a 350-foot radio tower) and a compressor station (which already exists)  challenged their County Commissioners' permitting of these projects. Because these facilities are essential to the construction of  Atlantic Coast Pipeline, they were also taking on the corporate owners of the ACP. -more-

Mozambique Floods Cover More Ground Than NYC, Chicago, D.C. & Boston — Combined

By Eric Holthaus, Grist. Post-flood satellite images of Mozambique show that Cyclone Idai submerged about 835 square miles of homes and fields — an area larger than New York City, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Boston combined. Aid workers in Mozambique describe the floodwaters as “inland oceans extending for miles and miles.” Idai’s official death toll in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Malawi reached 761 on Monday, but that total will surely rise. There are reports of hundreds of bodies alongside a single road as floodwaters began to recede. -more-

62 Million People Impacted By Extreme Climate Weather In 2018

By World Meteorological Organization. The WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2018, its 25th anniversary edition, highlights record sea level rise, as well as exceptionally high land and ocean temperatures over the past four years. This warming trend has lasted since the start of this century and is expected to continue. In 2018, most of the natural hazards which affected nearly 62 million people were associated with extreme weather and climate events. Floods continued to affect the largest number of people, more than 35 million. -more-


The People Of Palestine Are On The March

By Vijay Prashad, Globetrotter. Neither the Palestinian protesters nor the Israeli soldiers will back down. Israel’s government is undaunted by the UN findings. The Palestinians have no choice but to protest. The confrontation will escalate on the first anniversary of the March. The Israelis will be harsh, harsher to give Benjamin Netanyahu the kind of muscular response that allows him to bully his way back to power. -more-

Why Was Guaido Barred From Holding Public Office For 15 Years?

By Telesur. The imposter fraud Guaido is having a difficult time organizing people to support his coup against President Maduro. Our colleague, Eva K. Bartlett, who joined us on a recent peace delegation in Venezuela and has remained behind to continue to report on activities there. She has been trying to go to a Guaido opposition protest and yesterday went to several locations where they were supposed to take place. She was unable to find any opposition of significance and no Guaido. Venezuela's Comptroller General Elvis Amoroso announced Thursday that the opposition politician Juan Guaido has been barred from... -more-

US Blasted At UN For Recognising Israeli Sovereignty Over Golan

By Al Jazeera. The United States came under sharp criticism from 14 other United Nations Security Council nations for its decision to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights in violation of international law. The Security Council met on Wednesday at the request of Syria, which in a letter to the council called the US move a "flagrant violation" of UN resolutions. Speaker after speaker at the council session supported Syria's sovereignty over the Golan Heights and opposed Israel's annexation after Trump's proclamation. "This unilateral action does nothing to assist in finding a long-term peaceful solution to the... -more-

Why There’ll Be No US-Russia Reset Post-Mueller

By Finian Cunningham, Strategic Culture. President Donald Trump and his White House team may have been cleared of collusion with the Kremlin in the 2016 presidential election. That startling conclusion by Special Counsel Robert Mueller after nearly two years of investigation, might be viewed by some as giving Trump freedom to now get on with normalizing relations with Moscow. Don’t bet on it. The fundamental issue for Washington is that Russia is not a vassal for American imperialism. That’s why there will be no reset. There will only be reset when American imperialism is replaced by a law-abiding, genuinely... -more-

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