jeudi 25 avril 2019

AKEL Message to PCP on the Anniversary of the 25th April Revolution

AKEL has sent today a message to the Portuguese Communist Party on the Anniversary of the 25th April Revolution. The main part of the message follows below:

“The Central Committee of AKEL, on behalf of the party militants and members, conveys warmest comradely greetings to the Central Committee of the Portuguese Communist Party and through it to all Portuguese Communists on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the April 25th Revolution of 1974. We salute the popular and military uprising against the longest fascist dictatorship in Europe stretching 48 years, the greatest event in Portugal’s history in the 20th century which bears the indelible stamp of PCP with its leading and decisive role.

The heroic struggle and sacrifices of PCP, the only organized resistance force throughout the long dark period of fascism, rooted it in the hearts and minds of the people and established it as a truly national patriotic force, as the party of the struggle for freedom, democracy and socialism. The April Revolution with its radical democratic changes, advances and achievements on many political, socio-economic and cultural levels opened up a new chapter in the history of Portugal, but also had far reaching international ramifications such as the creation of the conditions for the attainment of real independence by the enslaved African peoples from Portuguese colonialism.

The April Revolution continues to inspire and show the road of the future for Portugal. Its values have never been more topical and timely, particularly in your struggles today to address working people’s problems, add to the concrete advances and measures won through your Party’s resolute mass struggles for a break with right wing policies and for a patriotic left alternative, to ensure the sovereign all-round development of your country. We stand in unreserved solidarity with your determined struggles to defend the achievements, rights, freedoms and guarantees enshrined in the Constitution, which continues to be the target of sustained attacks and successive revisions.

The April Revolution and its values motivate and resonate with every struggling people fighting to affirm its national sovereignty, independence and dignity, to decide its own fate and path of socio-economic development.

On this occasion too, AKEL expresses its will to further deepen the already close fraternal relations between our Parties, which we highly value and treasure, on a bilateral level as well as in the framework of multilateral fora including in the confederal group of GUE/NGL in the European Parliament. Furthermore, AKEL expresses its gratitude for the consistent, sincere and manifold solidarity PCP has always demonstrated towards the struggle of AKEL and the Cypriot people for peace, independence, sovereignty, the liberation and reunification of Cyprus and its people.

Long live the April 25th Revolution!”

Intervention of Georgos Koukoumas, member of the C.C. of AKEL and the International Relations Department, at the Hearing “Palestine: What’s Next?” organized by GUE/NGL2015-07-1
Hearing “Cyprus and Energy: Peace and prosperity in the region”2015-02-26
AKEL participates at the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties2014-11-13

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