jeudi 4 avril 2019

Almost 200 British arts and culture institutions declare climate emergency

MORE than 190 British arts and culture institutions and individuals declared a climate and ecological emergency today in a disruptive horse-led procession through London.
The Declarers included some of London’s best-known venues including The Royal Court, The Lyric Hammersmith, The Gate Theatre and Battersea Arts Centre as well as Hollyoaks actress Tamaryn Payne and film director Peter Kosminsky.
Activists stopped at institutions along the River Thames starting at Somerset House, bringing traffic to a standstill.
A real horse was deliberately chosen to lead the procession to symbolically show “the need for culture to align with nature,” and raise awareness of “the peril and extinction” all living species are facing.
Some protesters wore living grass coats grown by visual artists Ackroyd & Harvey with the word “Truth” appearing on them.
Culture Declares Emergency organiser Bridget McKenzie said the action is about “revelation of truth and declaration of our intentions” while Somerset House curator Karishma Rafferty said that addressing the emergency “just seems like the right thing to be doing.”
Ms Rafferty said: “We really believe that it is not just politicians and scientists that need to be engaged in galvanising the public, but actually artists and the creative sector together play a really important role.
“It requires not just one organisation or institution or even a very large community like ours, it requires all kinds of different groups within society taking this up.”
Musician Cathy Eastburn said the continuing denial of a “climate breakdown” by the British government and its failure to do “anything meaningful about it is terrifying and unacceptable” and is “criminal negligence.”
She said: “We can’t squander any more time on denial or pretending it’s not happening. I think artists have an important role to play in speaking the truth and leading by positive example. We owe it to ourselves and our children to be honest, generous, loving and brave.”
Inspired by Extinction Rebellion and School Strike For Climate, Culture Declares Emergency is organising a range of events in the run-up to Extinction Rebellion’s International Rebellion beginning on Monday April 15.
The culture declaration came as 13 protesters from Extinction Rebellion were freed on bail after being arrested on Monday night for staging a semi-naked protest in the House of Commons while MPs debated Brexit.


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