dimanche 14 avril 2019

« WHAT A BEAUTIFUL WORLD » - Louis Armstrong

Just something… with lasting peace and prosperity for all

By Daniel Paquet                                                                   dpaquet1871@gmail.com

MONTRÉAL – As John Lennon sang in « Imagine », we are millions in the world dreaming for a better place to enjoy our lifetime.  Frank Sinatra gave us « New York, New York » and now we made it there, while electing the Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in one of this city’s constituency.
« Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez scorched Republicans (ref. Donald Trump fierce supporters) … for having the gall to accuse a Muslim congresswoman of a trivializing terrorism while they’re at the same time refusing to support reparation payments for survivors of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. »

But « if the Democratic (AOC’s political party) race boils down to Biden and Sanders, you’ll have two candidates in their late 70s who voted three times to overthrow Saddam (former President of Iraq), approved the murderous sanctions on Iraq, supported the illegal war on Serbia, backed the racist and punitive Clinton Crime Bill and fronted a scheme to dump radioactive waste from New England near a small Hispanic town in West Texas. »

As for wars, USA can still reckon on UK.  For instance. « AKEL (communist party) denounces the planned deployment of F-35B fighter jets in Cyprus. [and says] The Cypriot people can’t feel any security with the announcement by the British Defense Minister concerning the deployment of 17 state-of-the-art F-35B fighter jets in the British base of Akrotiri this autumn.  The aim, as the British Defence Minister stated, is for military staff to gain the necessary experience in maintening and flying the F-35B jets in an unfamiliar environment and for them to become fully operational in order to protect British interests (sic!) and those of its ailies anywhere in the world. »

In Canada and some European countries, the bourgeoisie is looking for scapegoats to make workers distracted from the real roots of economical ebbs and flows in our society, the capitalist system as such; especially expecting the results of the coming elections :
« Canadian Global Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said… it was likely that foreign actors would meddle in the country’s October (2019) elections, and her British counterpart said a deterrent to stop countries like Russia from interfering was critical.
U.S. intelligence official and the governments of some European countries have accused Russia of interfering in their elections in recent years, allegations denied by Moscow.
When asked whether she was worried Russia would interfere in the election, Freeland said she was ‘very concerned.’ »

Nevertheless, Canadian workers are not left in the shadows. For example, [Naomi] Rankin (one of the Communist Party of Canada leader, who runned recently as a candidate in Canada’s western Province of Alberta), joined the party in 1981 after learning Marxist ideals at the dinner table from her parents, who were also members.  Her belief that capitalism fosters inequality and suffering as the rich get richer off the backs of workers, and her desire for a united, militant working class to smash that paradigm, have never wavered.  Rankin says the party is the strongest it has ever been during her nearly four-decade tenure… »

Canada being also a land of immigration, changes must apply for new comers.  « First, Canada’s immigation system should be reframed to prioritize permanant over temporary migration.  Working-class workers should be able to immigrate to Canada with their families with permanent status on arrival so they can continue to contribute to our communities but do so with the security they currently lack.
Second, tied work permits must be eliminated.  The United Nations has expressly recognized that ‘tying workers to specific employers encourages labour exploitation.’  To the extent workers come to Canada with temporary status, they must have open work permits.
Third, rigorous and consistent regulation and licensing of recruiters and their supply chains is required in all provinces.  Currently, recruiters exploit the patchwork of provincial laws, bringing workers into provinces with weak regulation and transporting them across provincial borders.
Fourth, employers that hire migrant workers and postsecondary institutions that recruit international students must be held jointly liable with recruiters for all violations of those workers’ and students’ rights to the recruitment process. »

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