mardi 2 avril 2019

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Welcome To Hell: The Peruvian Mining City Of La Rinconada

By Andre Vltchek, No one can agree how high above the sea level that La Rinconada really lies at: 5,300 meters or 5,200 meters?On the access road, a metal plate says 5,015. But who really cares? It is indisputably the highest settlement in the world; a gold mining town, a concentration of misery,a community of around 70,000 inhabitants, many of whom have beenpoisoned by mercury. A place where countless women and children get regularly raped, where law and order collapsed quite some time ago, where young girls are sent to garbage dumps in order to ‘recycle’ terribly smelling waste... -more-

Lawyers Worldwide Urge International Court: Investigate Israeli Crimes

By Marjorie Cohn, Truthout. On the eve of the first anniversary of the “Great March of Return” at the Gaza border, lawyers and jurists around the world are calling on the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate and prosecute Israeli crimes against the Palestinians. Today, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers presented a petition from the International Lawyers Campaign for the Investigation and Prosecution of Crimes Committed Against the Palestinian People to Fatou Bensouda, chief prosecutor of the ICC. -more-

Gaza, Stonewall: Izzy Mustafa On Why People Rise Up

By Susie Day, Every Friday since March 30, 2018, in what’s known as the Great March of Return, Palestinians in Gaza come to the Israeli border fence to protest nearly twelve years of a blockade that has made Gaza into what’s often called the world’s largest open-air prison. They also come to invoke UN Resolution 194, their right to return in peace to their homes, from which they were expelled in 1948 when Israel was created. Last year alone, some 189 Palestinians – including children, journalists, and the disabled – were killed at the border, most by Israeli live ammunition; 23,000 have been injured. -more-

Amazon’s Underbelly 3.0: Lobbying And Bribing To Secure Market Dominance

By Chris Paulis, Amazon has continued to expand its influence on policy and on government over the past decade. We laud Jeff Bezos as the richest man in the world and how he rose to the top by his own bootstraps. Many imagine him as a self-starter, an entrepreneur, a visionary. But the fact remains that Jeff has used his vast wealth to influence policy and laws to favor his business practices. Amazon has pushed others aside in order to procure its vast influence on politics and legislation. Granted, Amazon is not alone in this endeavor. It's no secret that corporations endlessly lobby to get what they want... -more-

Thousands Of Workers At US Factories In Mexico Are Striking For Higher Wages

By Alexia Fernández Campbell, Hundreds of Coca-Cola workers are camping out at a major bottling plant until they get a raise. More than 8,000 Walmart employees were prepared to walk off the job, until management met some of their demands. And 30,000 striking factory workers have finally returned to work after a month-long strike. Workers are organizing at unprecedented rates along the border — in Mexico. Since January, thousands of factory workers have been striking for higher wages in Mexican border cities, which are home to hundreds of factories run by US companies and subcontractors. -more-

US Is Manufacturing A Crisis In Venezuela So That There Is Chaos And 'Needed' Intervention

By Eva Bartlett, Information Clearinghouse.  Venezuela is America's current target for mass destabilization in the hope of installing a puppet government. America has for years been waging an economic war against Venezuela, including debilitating sanctions which have dramatically affected the state's ability to purchase medicines, and even mundane replacement parts needed in buses, ambulances, etc. Alongside the economic war there has been a steady propaganda war, but in recent months, the propaganda has escalated dramatically, from corporate media to US political figures. -more-


Ricardo Hausmann’s “Morning After” For Venezuela: The Neoliberal Brain Behind Juan Guaido’s Economic Agenda

By Anya Parampil, While online audiences know YouTube comedian Joanna Hausmann from her videos making the case for regime change, her economist father has flown below the radar. His record holds the key to understanding what the U.S. wants in Venezuela. If you’ve followed Venezuela-related news on social media, you’ve undoubtedly stumbled across a video released by comedian Joanna Hausmann in which she promises to tell you, “What’s Happening in Venezuela: Just the Facts.” Despite a title designed to instill confidence in the uninformed viewer, upon closer examination the “facts” presented in... -more-

Ecuador Vs. Assange; One Year Silenced

By Angel of Truth. It seems that in recent days, Ecuador has become more tyrannical towards Assange than Britain is. With the recent terrible visit that Cassandra Fairbanks had and threats from the government to increase their protocol against Assange, it seems the country that once gave him asylum and support has turned on him. In fact, due to the US government coercing Ecuador, Moreno and his colleagues view Assange as an enemy. By gagging Assange for 8 months without visitors, phone or internet, the Ecuadorian government violated international law and literally tortured a man they gave refugee status. -more-

American Soldiers Aren't Dying For Our Freedom In Syria, Iraq And Afghanistan.

By Jerrod A Laber, President Trump has promised repeatedly to end “endless wars,” during both his campaign and his tenure so far in office. Despite this rhetoric, endless — and, frankly, pointless —wars are, sadly, still the American norm. Two more Americans were just killed in Afghanistan — a war that the Trump administration realises needs to end, but seems in no hurry to actually do so. In December 2018, Trump announced that all US troops would be withdrawn from Syria, only to later rescind that declaration in favour of a small force of 400 to 1,000 troops to stay behind indefinitely... -more-

Tear Gas, Skirmishes: Yellow Vests Flood Streets Of France In Act XX

By Thousands of protesters are rallying across France as Yellow Vest demonstrations show no sign of abating on their 20th week despite authorities banning many locations. A heavy police presence can be seen throughout the country. In Paris where more than 4,000 went out to the streets, protesters gathered in two locations, forming a joint column and marched towards  towards Trocadéro square. -more-

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