mercredi 4 avril 2018

Support a bill to implement overtime pay.

The petition to the U.S. Congress reads:

Raise the overtime salary threshold—the annual salary level under which salaried workers are guaranteed overtime pay when they work more than 40 hours per week—from $23,660 to $47,476. Raising this threshold will extend overtime eligibility to millions of people and give them more freedom from long hours of unpaid work.

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“Too generous” is how President Donald Trump’s secretary of labor described the 2016 rule that made millions more working people eligible for overtime pay. Now millions of working people are being denied overtime protection and are being paid nothing for the overtime hours they work.

Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.) recently introduced the Restoring Overtime Pay Act, which would put the 2016 overtime protections back in place. By helping pass this bill, we can increase overtime pay for millions of working people.

Add your name now to support the Restoring Overtime Pay Act.

Once again, corporate greed is tilting the playing field in favor of the rich and powerful few and against working people. Business interests have blocked the overtime pay update in the courts, and the Trump administration has made clear that it will not defend this overtime pay increase.

If the Trump administration had not abandoned the updated overtime rule, working people would have received $500 million more in overtime pay as of April 1, 2018. These are lost wages working people need and deserve.

Support the bill now.

Working families should not have to wait any longer to receive overtime pay. Working people deserve to be paid for all the hours we work, more control over our time and freedom from long hours at work.

Support the bill introduced by Sens. Murray and Brown. Add your name to help pass the Restoring Overtime Pay Act and give millions of working families the overtime pay we need and deserve.

In solidarity,

Kelly Ross
Deputy Director of Policy, AFL-CIO

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