mardi 17 avril 2018

Click here to sign the petition immediately.

Tell companies to disclose tax cut information.

The petition says the following:

The tax plan was sold to the American people as a way to give working people a raise and create more jobs. Unions can ensure that fair collective bargaining agreements are being made if they know how much these companies expect to receive and the portion of corporate tax cuts being used to create jobs and raise wages. I urge you to disclose the tax cut information requested by union members.

Sign the Petition Immediately ›


Lawmakers told us companies will use funds from their recently passed tax cuts to give working people a $4,000 raise, on average, and create more jobs. But now, the same companies that doubled down on that claim have gotten their tax cuts and are refusing to disclose information about how they are using that money.

The labor movement is calling on big companies to release this information so that working people can ensure we are bargaining for a fair share.

Click here to automatically sign the petition telling big employers like AT&T to provide the requested information and ensure their promise to working people is honored.

Working people are asking the right questions to level the economic playing field. When the tax scam was passed, economists questioned whether the money would “trickle down” to workers. Many feared that these tax cuts would be used to send more money to the rich and powerful, not working families.

Automatically sign the petition now.

A union contract is the best way to guarantee that working people get a fair return on their work. Unions can ensure that fair collective bargaining agreements are being made if they know how much these companies expect to receive and the portion of corporate tax cuts being used to create jobs and raise wages. The National Labor Relations Act allows for these companies to be slapped with an unfair labor practice complaint if they don’t release the requested information.

I always say, “The economy isn’t like the weather. It doesn’t just happen.” Greedy CEOs, corporate lobbyists and extreme legislators, doing the bidding of the wealthy and powerful, have been the architects of the terrible economic policies that have rigged the playing field against hardworking families. This is how we hold them accountable for their actions and begin to build an economy that works for all, not just the most privileged.

Click here to automatically sign the petition telling big employers like AT&T to provide the requested information and ensure their promise to working people is honored.

In Solidarity,

Richard Trumka
President, AFL-CIO

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