jeudi 26 avril 2018


When we have safety and health protections at work, we are able to do our jobs better and more confidently. More than 8 million U.S. workers are not covered by workplace safety laws.

A piece of legislation that would expand Occupational Safety and Health Act coverage to all working people in the U.S. has been introduced yearly in Congress but has yet to become law. On April 28, we will observe Workers’ Memorial Day and there’s no better action I could ask you to take than to urge your members of Congress to co-sponsor this important bill.

Click here to send a note to your members of Congress urging them to sign on as a co-sponsor of the Protecting America’s Workers Act.

This bill would expand OSHA to cover state and local government employees and other workers who lack full OSHA protection. It would also require employers to protect all workers, including contract and temporary workers, from safety and health hazards at the job. This bill would also strengthen OSHA enforcement for employers who repeatedly violate the law.

The Protecting America’s Workers Act also would increase protections for whistle-blowers, and provide greater rights for victims and their families in death or injury investigations.

So many of the freedoms working people have joined in union to fight for are under attack right now. When we are safe, we can focus on doing our jobs better. You can act now to put those protections in place and make sure employers are held accountable for the safety of their workers.

Send a note to your members of Congress urging them to sign on as a co-sponsor of the Protecting America’s Workers Act.

In solidarity,

Rebecca Reindel
Safety and Health, AFL-CIO

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