mercredi 27 mars 2019

Tory MP Braverman under fire for using term peddled by neonazis

The Fareham MP said the Tory Party is waging a war against ‘cultural Marxism,’ a concept that suggests Jewish Marxists promote socially progressive ideas to intentionally undermine Western civilisation

TORY MP and former Brexit minister Suella Braverman came under fire today for using a term peddled by neonazis.
She told an afternoon rally in Parliament that the Conservative Party is waging a war against “cultural Marxism.”
At the meeting, which was organised by the Eurosceptic thinktank the Bruges Group, she said: “We’re engaged in a war against cultural Marxism. We’re engaged in a war against socialism.”
Ms Braverman, who was a junior Brexit minister until late 2018, said that she was “very worried” about an “ongoing creep of cultural Marxism which has come from Jeremy Corbyn.”
When challenged over her comments by Jacobin staff writer Dawn Foster, who was present at the rally, Ms Braverman responded: “I believe we are in a war.
“We are living in a culture where we are putting everybody in cotton wool. Our risk-averse mentalities are taking over.
“No-one can be offended – it is damaging for our British genius.”
Ms Foster also said that “cultural Marxism” was cited in the manifesto of fascist murderer Anders Breivik, who was responsible for the massacre of 69 Norwegian Labour Party members in 2011.
However, Ms Braverman declined to address that.
“Cultural Marxism” is a concept popularised by neonazi and far-right movements in the past decade.
It suggests that socially progressive ideas, including gay rights and feminism, have been promoted by Jewish Marxists to intentionally undermine Western civilisation.
Last year, an undercover investigation by Vice magazine reported that alt-right and anti-semitic pamphlets were to be found for sale at the Bruges Group’s stall at the Conservative annual party conference.

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