samedi 16 mars 2019


Slaves, that we became

Daniel Paquet                                                            

MONTRÉAL – (But it could have been written almost everywhere in the capitalist world).  U.S.A are, by the way, champions of such a routine (subway, labour and sleep).  On the opposite side - in terms of culture and education -, Cuba beats them all; it is obvious, that even in this last realm of superiority (i.e. USA), sports are also loosing ground (like in base-ball).  Strike one!

However, economy should not be overpassed; but actually, even in this land of honey for rich capitalist, the game is more or less over. People’s Republic of China (that the presidency and the go-for hate with such a sadistic pleasure) is peacefully and with « élégance » tearing apart the powers of the US imperialism.  Strike two !

Watch out, the worst is still to come.

The failure;  peoples on earth do not want anymore to be run the old way (ex. Venezuela); especially misguided by broken promises announced repeatedly at every election in the bourgeois style of conducting business, and they are always forgotten a few months then after.  This is the role of bourgeois media.  Nowadays, Washington is in boiling waters.  Pundits tried a new comer with common sense attitude to solve the whole thing (Mr. Donald Trump); but it did not really work out.
For instance, you make have a look at the February 2019 issue of Forbes magazine.  It is a publication for rich people, mostly well-to-do entrepreneurs.  They are, in their approach to the world economy, optimistic. Three balls!

They should read Lenin who wrote before the 1917 Socialist Revolution in Russia :

« To identify the great artist (Leo Tolstoy) with the revolution which he has obviously failed to understand, and from which he obviously stands aloof, may at first sight seem strange and artificial. A mirror which does not reflect things correctly could hardly be called a mirror.  Our revolution, however, is an extremely complicated thing.  Among the mass of those who are directly making and participating in it there are many social elements which have also obviously not understood what is taking place and which also stand aloof from the real historical tasks with which the course of events has confronted them. And if we have before us a really great artist, he must have reflected in his work at least some of the essential aspects of the revolution. » (Proletary no. 35, September 11 (24), 1908.)

And finally, let us have a glimpse at what Karl Marx was writing in February 1844 : « Germany, which is renowned for its thoroughness, cannot make a revolution unless it is a thorough one.  The emancipation of the German is the emancipation of man.  The head of this emancipation is philosophy, its heart the proletariat.  Philosophy cannot realize itself without the transcendance [Aufhebung] of the proletariat, and the proletariat cannot transcend itself without the realization [Verwirklichung] of philosophy. »  (Deutsch-Franzõsische Jahrbucher, 1844).

Basically, eyes of hope are turning to America, especially to its working class and the youth; we need, really, we need your help.

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