dimanche 31 mars 2019

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On NATO’s 70th Anniversary Important To Remember Its Anti-Democratic Roots

By Yves Engler, Globalresearch.ca. “The power  of the communists, wherever that power flourishes, depends upon their ability to suppress and destroy the free institutions that stand against them. They pick them off one by one: the political parties, the trade unions, the churches, the schools, the universities, the trade associations, even the sporting clubs and the kindergartens. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is meant to be a declaration to the world that this kind of conquest from within will not in the future take place amongst us.” – March 28, 1949, Lester Pearson, External Affairs Minister, House of Commons -more-

Over 450 Brazilian Jurists Call For Release Of Lula

By Telesur English. A manifesto signed by 464 Brazilian jurists calls for the release of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has been held as a political prisoner since April 7, 2018, after being sentenced on the second instance for passive corruption and money laundering without any evidence against him. The document is addressed to the ministers of the Fifth Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), Felix Fischer, Jorge Mussi, Reynaldo Soares da Fonseca and Ribeiro Dantas. In the text, jurists point out that Lula is a victim of injustice and violence practiced by the state. -more-

South Carolina DOC Director Stirling Drafts Facetious Cell Phone Contraband Act

By Amani Sawari, SawariMi. I purposely chose the word facetious, because South Carolina’s Dept. of Correction’s Director Bryan Stirling has absurdly decided to address serious issued in South Carolin’a prisons with impotent legislation. The problem in South Carolina’s prisons is NOT the fact that a few prisoners have obtained access to cell phones. The problem is that South Carolina’s prisons, some of the most dangerous and deadly in country, are in devastatingly horrific conditions and prisoners have been using cell phones to expose the issues that they are forcibly confined to. -more-

Singing In A Cage Is Possible And So Is Happiness

By Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental Institute for Social Research. Once more, punctually, Israel – with the vengeance of Zeus – has begun to bomb Gaza. The sounds and smells of war are never absent from Gaza, which has – for the past dozen years – been victim of an Israeli stranglehold and of Israeli bombings. It helps Israel that the United States is fully behind its policy of annihilation. Trump’s colonial declaration – against UN resolution 497 (1981) – to ‘give’ the Golan Heights to Israel has numbed Israel of any ethical concern. With full US backing, it will seize Jerusalem and the Golan and try to do what it wants to Palestine.  -more-

It’s The For-Profit Health Care Industry Telling Us We Can’t Afford Medicare For All

By Salomeh Keyhani, Economy For All. The most important question about Medicare for All is a simple one: If other industrialized countries can afford to offer high-quality universal health care to their citizens, why can’t the United States? We’ve been fooled to believe that the USA requires a uniquely expensive, fragmented and administratively complex system of health care coverage. But that’s just plain wrong. In a seminal paper published in 2003, Uwe Reinhardt and Gerard Anderson found “it’s the prices, stupid” that set the U.S. health care system apart. It’s not that care in the United States is higher quality.  -more-

Why Activists Fail

By Robert J. Burrowes, Eurasiareview.com. Despite enormous ongoing effort over more than a thousand years, during and since the formation and shaping of the modern world, and as the number of issues being contested has steadily increased, activists of many types have made insufficient progress on key issues, particularly in relation to ending violence and war (and the threat of nuclear war), stopping the exploitation of many peoples and halting the endless assaults on Earth’s biosphere. Of course, in order for those of us who identify as activists to have any prospect of success in these and other endeavors... -more-


Puerto Rico Faces A Flood Of Fracked Gas In Wake Of Hurricane Maria

By Dimitri Lascaris, The Real News. This is Dimitri Lascaris reporting for The Real News Network. Media have descended on Puerto Rico since Hurricane Maria devastated the island a year and a half ago, and many reported on its struggle to rebuild its energy grid. But behind the scenes, some policymakers and fossil fuel industry leaders are using the crisis to transform Puerto Rico into a hub for liquefied natural gas–gas obtained from hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in the mainland United States. -more-

Europe Confronts A Cliff

By Conn Hallinan, Counterpunch. As the campaigns for the European Parliament get underway, some of the traditional lines that formerly divided left, right, and center are shifting, making it harder to easily categorize political parties. In Italy, a right-wing coalition calls for a guaranteed income, larger pensions, and resistance to the heavy-handed austerity programs enforced by the European Union (EU). In France, some right-wing groups champion the fight against climate change, decry exploitation of foreign workers, and growing economic inequality. -more-

Momentum For A Europe Of The Many

By Mario Candeias & Johanna Bussemer, Rosalux.eu. Since the beginning of the great crisis ten years ago the political landscape is been revolved. Due to the given new authoritarianism of the ruling classes it is not that much surprising that various protest movements and new left parties were defeated. It is rather astonishing that time and again new radical movements are bursting out all over the place. Meanwhile they have a fierce competition from the radical right, having a menacing rise all over Europe. In face of the European elections the political landscape is very polarized. But the left is divided and quarrelling over... -more-

Russia Throws Down The Gauntlet To US On Venezuela

By M. K. Bhadrakumar, Indianpunchline.com. The Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova acknowledged in Moscow on Tuesday that Russian “specialists” are indeed in Venezuela within the ambit of a 2001 military-technical cooperation agreement with Caracas. Zakharova underscored that Russia’s bilateral military cooperation with Venezuela is in accordance with the latter’s constitution and has legal underpinning, which “doesn’t require any additional approval from the (opposition-controlled) National Assembly of Venezuela.”  This followed media reports that two Russian air force planes landed at Caracas on... -more-

Prospects For Revolution In Africa’s 55 Countries

By Phil Wilmot, Waging Nonviolence. An overview of the current political situation in 55 African countries shows that many movements are making gains in the struggle against authoritarianism. A lot has changed since I arrived in Uganda in 2009. At that time, mass mobilization for political goals was far more abnormal in Uganda. For those of us in the struggle against authoritarianism, it is only natural to dwell on the long distance we must still travel to victory. We see the goal still ahead of us — a dictator’s removal or a war that must end — but we rarely look behind to celebrate how far we’ve come. -more-

Hawks Clamoring To Attack Iran

By Emile Nakhleh, Lobelog.com. As Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Saudi crown prince and de facto ruler Mohammad bin Salman clamor for a war against Iran, they seem to have conveniently forgotten the destruction and mayhem wrought by the American invasion of Iraq 16 years ago. These war drummers are underestimating the potential negative consequences of the war and overestimating the Iranian people’s dislike of their theocratic regime. They, like the advocates of the Iraqi invasion in the winter of 2002 and... -more-

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