mercredi 27 mars 2019

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The Green New Deal: A Strategy For A More Equal United States

By Jeremy Brecher, The Green New Deal often gets portrayed as simply a program for climate protection. But the Green New Deal — as proposed in a new congressional resolution from Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey — stands just as boldly as a strategy to counter America’s grotesque and growing inequality. The resolution they’ve introduced calls for “a new national, social, industrial, and economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II and the New Deal era.” Such a mobilization, notes their resolution, provides “a historic opportunity to create millions of... -more-

Gaza March Of Return Architect Abu Artema Celebrates Its First-Year Anniversary

By Miko Peled, Mintpress News. “Why would we die here in silence? We want our message to reach the world. We want to say to the world ‘here there is a people. A people searching for a life of dignity, human rights and freedom.'” — Ahmed Abu Artema, architect of The March of Return The March of Return is a scream for life so that we may leave the walls of our prison. These are the words repeated by Ahmed Abu Artema in his many lectures and interviews. Abu Artema is the brain behind the most powerful expression of unarmed Palestinian resistance, The March of Return, which began on March 30, 2018, and has become a weekly occurrence in... -more-

Vietnam Bans Import Of Glyphosate Herbicides After US Cancer Trial Verdict

By Sustainable Pulse. Vietnam has announced that it has banned the import of all glyphosate-based herbicides with immediate effect following the latest cancer trial verdict from San Francisco, in a move which has shaken Bayer’s Asian market for its top-selling product. Hoang Trung, Director of the Plant Protection Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, stated Saturday to Tuoi Tre newspaper that the import and trans-national trading of herbicides containing glyphosate would be banned immediately. Glyphosate herbicides are currently widely used in Vietnam. -more-

Guns And Liberty

By Chris Hedges, Truthdig. The proliferation of guns in American society is not only profitable for gun manufacturers, it fools the disempowered into fetishizing weapons as a guarantor of political agency. Guns buttress the myth of a rugged individualism that atomizes Americans, disdains organization and obliterates community, compounding powerlessness. Gun ownership in the United States, largely criminalized for poor people of color, is a potent tool of oppression. It does not protect us from tyranny. It is an instrument of tyranny. -more-

The Sleazy Origins Of Russia-gate

By Robert Parry, An irony of the escalating hysteria about the Trump camp’s contacts with Russians is that one presidential campaign in 2016 did exploit political dirt that supposedly came from the Kremlin and other Russian sources. Friends of that political campaign paid for this anonymous hearsay material, shared it with American journalists and urged them to publish it to gain an electoral advantage. But this campaign was not Donald Trump’s; it was Hillary Clinton’s. -more-

Standing Rock Medic Bus Is Now A Traveling Decolonized Pharmacy

By Mary Annette Pember, There was something familiar and comforting about the bus. A crowd of people painted green vines and flowers on the exterior as it sat parked in a field near Frank’s Landing during the Indigenous Environmental Network’s annual Protecting Mother Earth Conference, held earlier this month. This bus was indeed an old friend. It has a lot of history helping indigenous people; it served as a kitchen and then a treatment center for the Medic + Healer Council at the Standing Rock water protector camps. -more-

Rural America Needs Medicare For All, And Fast

By Barb Kalbach, We’ve got a rural health care emergency on the horizon. Rural hospitals are closing or teetering on the brink of closure at an alarming rate. More than a hundred have closed since 2005 and hundreds more are on life support. Long-term care facilities are vanishing across rural America or being bought up by large corporations who care about profit, not the care of our loved ones. Most rural hospitals have even stopped delivering babies — you’ll need to go to the city for that, so plan ahead. -more-

Unsealed Documents Shed Light On State Conspiracy Against Chelsea Manning

By Kevin Reed, WSWS. On Wednesday, the U.S. Eastern District Court of Virginia unsealed several filings concerning Chelsea Manning’s legal challenge to the subpoena attempting to force her to testify before a grand jury involved in fabricating charges against WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. Among the unsealed documents is Manning’s legal motion of March 1 to have the subpoena thrown out on the grounds that it violates her First and Fifth Amendment rights, that it is an abuse of the grand jury process and that it is the product of illegal electronic surveillance by the government. -more-

Stop Holding Chelsea Manning In Solitary Confinement

By Chelsea Resists. Chelsea Manning has been incarcerated for more than two weeks, since March 8. The lack of media coverage of her case is important to note since her questioning is about Freedom of the Press in the 21st Century. She is being questioned in an effort by the government to prosecute the publisher of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, for reporting stories that show US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, violations of human rights at the Guantanamo Bay prison,and the corruption of US foreign policy by corporate power. Wikileaks has published documents concerning many countries as well as US political figures. -more-

Palestinian Americans Protest Annual AIPAC Meeting

By John Zangas, Washington, DC–Palestinians and supporters gathered at the White House on Sunday afternoon to rebuke the lobby American-Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC), for its lopsided influence over U.S. governmental policy. Speakers called out its role in supporting Israeli government policies affecting the Occupied Territories, which they say mimic apartheid policies of the South Africa National Party from 1948 until the 1990s. The protesters voiced opposition to Israeli occupation of Palestinian Territories, the lack of access to basic needs, continued military attacks and incursions into... -more-

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