lundi 25 mars 2019

February 27, 2019
Dear Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
cc: Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Global Affairs
Every day a growing number of Canadians go to sleep wondering if tomorrow Canada will be joining the US in , military attack on Venezuela.
The Canadian Peace Congress is aware that the Government of Canada is playing a big role in the orchestrated campaign to remove the democratically elected President and government of Venezuela and replace him with c right-wing party member that the majority of Venezuelans had not heard of prior to this attempted coup d'etat one that was not elected to any office even by his party cronies. Guaid6 was trained in the USA in the infamous 'School of the Americas' that has spawned many leaders that have attacked their own people to further 'USA interests'. It is through the efforts of the USA, Canada and the Lima Group that this man has risen to power and is being foisted unto the people of Venezuela and the world.
We have listened carefully to the statements of the US President on Venezuela and are deeply disturbed by them. The course the USA administration has chosen violates the principles of international law and is aimed a1 turning the clock back in the countries across South and Central America where efforts have been made to overcome social and racial inequality.
We are even more disturbed that Canada, under your leadership Prime Minister Trudeau, is aligning itself with the right-wing regimes of the Lima group and the US administration, which are carrying on a long tradition of invading democratically elected governments in the Americas and around the world.
Venezuela is currently undergoing economic difficulties (not unlike parts of our own country) that are largely dependent on the export of oil. The sanctions instituted on Venezuela by the USA, the Lima Group and the EU is Economic Warfare, which is illegal under the UN Charter. Canada is a signatory to the Charter and therefore is in violation of International Law that recognizes the right to sovereignty, independence and self-determination.
The response of the USA and Canada to wage economic war on Venezuela indicates that the USA and Canada de not care about the people and are only concerned with obtaining Venezuela's resources -- particularly oil. We stand with the Red Cross and the UN in supporting the government of Venezuela in its rejection of the attempt to bribe the people of Venezuela with 'aid' and using Columbia and Brazil to do so. John Bolton, USA National Security Advisor intentionally, inadvertently or out of sheer arrogance, has let the cat out of the bag on the USA National Media Networks stating the aim is to take over the country using whatever means necessary.
People across Canada have spoken out in solidarity with the people of Venezuela and will continue to do so until Canada stops interfering in the internal affairs of the people of Venezuela. We the people are aware of the efforts of the Maduro government (and Chavez before him) to establish public housing, literacy, and national health care as well as the nationalization of oil for the benefit of all the people of Venezuela. We the people understand why President Maduro, his government and the military continue to stand firmly against this latest imperialist attack. Major Canadian trade unions have joined the call for Canada to get out and stay out of Venezuela.
What should the Government of Canada do now, at this eleventh hour before a bloody civil war or a foreign invasion, or both are launched? Canada must leave the Lima group. Canada needs to lift all economic sanctions and return to full normalization of relations with Venezuela but not interfere in the internal governance of Venezuela as well as all other nations it has become entangled with as a proxy for and in conjunction with the USA, the Lima Group and NATO. Canada must act for peace and social justice. Canada must not be advancing the interests of the USA in any form. Canadian resource companies must not be allowed to contravene the human rights of the people of Venezuela or any other nation, simply for profit at the expense of the general population as well as the Indigenous and Aboriginal people of any nation, including our own.
When Canada decides to once again act independently of the USA and other elitist organizations, it will regain the respect of the world. Canada can and must stand with the People rather than corporations, for the people of the world rather than the elite imperialistic forces that have moved us towards the brink of yet another war and the destruction of our planet. We respectfully call on you, Prime Minister to steer Canada towards true Peace, Social and Economic Justice and Equality through non-violence, respect, dignity and integrity.
Thank you for your attention. We would appreciate a response to our plea for peaceful living for all humanity.
Laura Savinkoff,
Canadian Peace Congress,
Canadian Peace Congress
PO Box 73593 Wychwood PO,
Toronto, ON M6C 4A7

The Regina Peace Council is a member organization of the Canadian Peace Congress which is affiliated with the World Peace Council. The World Peace Council is a non-governmental organization at the United Nations. 

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