mercredi 9 mai 2018


Once again, wealthy corporations are ignoring our veterans and working to dismantle and privatize the VA.

Right now, lawmakers are working on bills in both chambers that would close VA facilities. As a veteran myself, I know the devastating impact that could have on our community. It will take all of us to stop these threats.

I’m asking you to click here now to call your legislator. Tell them not to privatize the VA.

Veterans support each other, just like the labor movement. We are all concerned about privatization of our healthcare system because it will force many hospitals and care centers to shut down. We cannot allow the veteran healthcare system to simply be sold to the highest bidder.

Every dollar spent on privatized care deprives our veterans of the specialized care offered at the VA. This specialized care is vital because it helps Veterans heal more effectively and ultimately saves lives.

Nine out of ten veterans say they want their care at the VA. It’s time for us to call our lawmakers and tell them that directly. The more of us they hear from the harder it will be for the voices of corporate greed to drown us out.

Click here now to be connected with your legislator. Once connected tell them, not to privatize the VA.

In solidarity,

Will Attig
Executive Director, Union Veterans Council, AFL-CIO 

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