mardi 8 mai 2018

UKRAINIAN communists issued an urgent call for international support and solidarity today after its offices in Kiev were attacked by security services.
The house of Communist Party of Ukraine general secretary Peter Simonenko was also raided.
It remained unclear why the raids had taken place, with no warrant issued and no lawyer present before the searches began.
They happened on the eve of Victory Day, celebrations to mark the victory of the Soviet Union over nazi Germany.
Far-right activity in Ukraine has been on the rise, with fascist paramilitary groups patrolling the streets attacking communists and minorities.
The KPU said in a statement that, on the eve of Victory Day, “the chain dogs of the oligarch-nazi regime” had broken in to search the home of Mr Simonenko.
“The Communist Party draws attention to the fact that nazism and fascism in Ukraine have become a state ideology.
“Nazi collaborators are declared heroes and celebrations are organised in honour of nazi SS units, while commemorative medals and stamps are issued, but communists are persecuted and attacked.
“We ask for support and solidarity.”

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