mardi 1 mai 2018


My name is Belinda, and I am a proud member of UNITE HERE. For 19 years, I’ve been working legally and paying taxes to contribute to the country where my husband and I are raising our two children. But my family is at risk of being torn apart if Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, is not renewed this week.

TPS provides work permits and vital protections to hundreds of thousands of people like me who came to the United States because of conflict or natural disaster in our native lands. However, the Trump administration already has decided to strip those protections away from hardworking people from El Salvador, Haiti, Liberia, Nepal, Nicaragua and Sudan. Given that sad record, Hondurans fear that we will be next to have our lives turned upside down.

Call now to urge Congress to step up and create a permanent legal pathway to protect working people with TPS.

TPS has allowed me to have a stable union job at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. This is not only good for my family, but also for our community and our economy as a whole. The entire workforce benefits when working people like me have the status to assert our rights on the job.

May Day is an important time to remember the collective power of working people, and I know that I am not alone in this fight. Thousands of working families have gone to rallies, made phone calls, written letters and signed petitions to move our legislators to extend vital TPS protections. I’m asking you to speak up by calling your members of Congress and urging them to secure the future for hundreds of thousands of people like me with TPS.

Act now to call on Congress to create a permanent legal pathway for deserving workers with TPS.

In Solidarity,

Belinda Osorio
Disney Worker, via UNITE HERE

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