vendredi 17 mars 2017

The Syrian Army says Israeli military jets hit a “military target” near Palmyra in a raid overnight. In retaliation the jets were targeted by Syrian anti-aircraft missiles.

Israel National News   

According to a Syrian Army statement, a total of four Israeli jets breached Syrian airspace on Friday morning, Reuters reports. Syria's air defenses shot down one of the Israeli jets over "occupied ground" and damaged another.
The Israeli Army confirmed it had conducted airstrikes on several targets in Syria, Israel National News reported. However, the IDF insists that none of the jets was harmed.
"At no point was the safety of Israeli civilians or the IAF [Israeli Air Force] aircraft compromised," an Israeli military spokesman said.
Following the breach of the country's airspace, the Syrian Army warned Israel of "direct" retaliation "with all means at its disposal," Haaretz reports.
Earlier, a spokesperson of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told Sputnik that Israeli military jets were targeted by anti-aircraft missiles after they struck several targets in Syria.
“I can say that the sirens were the result of the incident," an Israel Defense Forces spokesperson told Sputnik, referring to the launch of missiles at Israeli planes that carried out attacks on targets in Syria.
After Israeli Air Force planes struck several targets in Syria on Thursday night, Damascus retaliated by activating its air defense systems and firing a number of missiles at Israeli jets, according to Haaretz.
None of the missiles struck the jets, but one was intercepted by a missile defense system north of Jerusalem, Haaretz reports, adding there were no Israeli casualties in the incident.
"Overnight IAF (Israeli Air Force) aircraft targeted several targets in Syria. Several anti-aircraft missiles were launched from Syria following the mission and IDF (Israel Defence Force) Aerial Defence Systems intercepted one of the missiles," the military said in its statement, as cited by Reuters.
A rocket siren was heard at around 3:00am Friday morning in the Jordan Valley area, after which witnesses heard an explosion.
The IDF later confirmed that the sirens were a result of Israeli airstrikes on several targets in Syria, Israel National News reports. 

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