vendredi 10 mars 2017

Obviously, large chunks of the US people do not believe anymore in the electoral process.

L.A. County voter turnout at 11.45%

Voter turnout for Los Angeles' elections was pushing up slightly this evening and stood at 11.45%.
How does this compare?
Turnout in L.A. peaked at 76% in a 1969 runoff, when Tom Bradley was running to become the city’s first black mayor. He lost but unseated Mayor Sam Yorty four years later in a rematch.
Turnout was big again when Richard Riordan was elected mayor in a 1993 runoff, reaching 45% in the aftermath of riots sparked by the acquittal of white police officers for the beating of Rodney King, an African American.
The record low of 18% in 2009 came when Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa won reelection after a somnolent race against largely unknown challengers.
Four years ago, even after a hard-fought and well-publicized race between Eric Garcetti and several well-known rivals, just 21% of registered voters cast ballots in the primary for mayor.

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