mercredi 1 mars 2017

Communist Party of Australia - editorial comment

 "Massive wage cut

 The so-called “independent” Fair Work Commission (FWC) has delivered exactly what the government and employers ordered – a massive wage cut to workers in the hospitality, retail and fast food sectors. Consistent with the government’s policies and past actions, the decision attacks the incomes of the lowest paid and most vulnerable.
This decision should spark an angry response at International Women’s Day actio...ns on March 8 as the majority of workers affected are women. They include sole parents, students, casual and part-time workers. Even full-time employees in those sectors are paid starvation wages. That is why many of them make the sacrifices entailed to work on Sundays.
Communist Party of Australia National President Vinnie Molina condemned the attacks on penalty rates and other workers’ rights in the strongest possible terms."…/cp-of-australia-guardian1767-2017…

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