vendredi 10 avril 2020

Issue No. 60
April 10, 2020
COVID -19. China, Cuba, Russia & Venezuela Leading World Fight Against the Virus: What Almost all Western Media Do Not Show You.

Dear friends,
I hope that you and your families are in good health and following the directives from the authorities.
Congratulations and a virtual « applause » for all the front-line workers, especially in the health sector.
I have collected a variety of videos that show the importance of (in alphabetical order) China, Cuba, Russia & Venezuela in internationally combating the virus.
Nonetheless, Cuba is in a league of its own: 60 years under a genocidal American blockade further drastically and inhumanely tightened by Trump, and despite its own current fight against COVID-19, is sending medical brigades to 16 countries to fight the virus. Cuba, after having contributed to its discovery, is also leading the production of the medication Interferon Alpha-2B Recombinant to fight the virus anywhere in the world for those countries that dare to defy the U.S.
Cubans have every reason to be proud.
China, it should be recalled, has no blockade against it as does Cuba. In addition, China is a huge country, but with an equally very big heart. I visited China several years ago. We were very impressed then, and even more so now. Proud to be a supporter of the People’s Republic of China.
Let us start with China. While Trump’s slanders are well known, two days ago the Trudeau government refused to distance itself from the Trump narrative against China, thus contributing to it.
Incredible Video
Lessons from Hunan COVID: From Lockdown to Recovery.
China’s « People’s War » against COVID 19. amazing!
Cuba aid to Italy
By Anya Parampil. The Grey Zone
As US hospitals teeter on brink of disaster, Cuban medics arrive in Italy to fight coronavirus. At any given time up to 50k Cuban doctors are present in ~ 66 countries worldwide
"Cuban medical internationalism" has made DRs Cuba's #1 export
Cuba, China and Russia send aid to Italy
Venezuela flies Cuban medical team to the Caribbean. It is one of several such examples of Venezuelan aid. This is course very small compared to China, Russia and Cuba. However, one has to keep in mind that Venezuela is simultaneously and successfully fighting the virus in its own country AS WELL as open attempts by Trump, with the silent acquiescence/support of Canada and other Western countries, to stage some kind of a military invasion of Venezuela right in the middle of the pandemic.
China aid to Algeria
China aid to Pakistan
China aid to Venezuela
China boosts supplies of medical equipment for other countries.
Chinese to Iraq
« Masks, masks, where are the masks? »
Very instructive YouTube, inside Chinese largest mask factory.
Webinar US/Canada.
Highly recommended:
Cuba leads the Global Fight Against Covid-19.:
Next webinar April 18:
For further information
Best regards,
Arnold August
Arnold August/Havana.
Trudeau: Venezuela, Cuba, Chile, Bolivia, Haití.
November 2, 2019.
Still very valid, in fact more so than ever.
Read my Articles on LATIN AMERICA:

Arnold August is a Montreal-based author, journalist and lecturer. He is the author of three books on Cuba: Democracy in Cuba and the 1997–98 Elections (1999), Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion (2013); Cuba’s neighbours under consideration are on the one hand Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador and on the other hand the U.S., and the third book is Cuba-U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond (2017).
Like Arnold’s new FaceBook page Cuba-U.S. Relations and follow him on Twitter @Arnold_August.
His articles written as a journalist appear here in English, Spanish and French as well as do the links to a previous book and its Spanish-language version:

Copyright © 2020 Arnold August, All rights reserved.

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