Canadian Peace Congress
8 minutes
Solidarity and Hope at a Time of Crisis
As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads rapidly around the globe, claiming many thousands of lives in its path, Canadians from ...
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Cuba Against COVID-19 Campaign
- from Isaac Saney, CNC Spokesperson
March 30, 2020
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With a Quarter of the World’s Population Under US Sanctions, Countries Appeal to UN to Intervene
[from “Labor Today” a newsletter published by the Labor United for Class Struggle (LUCS) in the U.S. LUCS works closely with the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)]
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AN INTERESTING EXCHANGE: Military spending can be better used to fight COVID-19
[The following is a recent exchange in the Letters-to-the-Editor section of the Regina Leader Post newspaper. Ed Lehman is an executive member of the Canadian Peace Congress]
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U.S., Canada Side with Fanatical Coup Regime in Bolivia: a report from Global Research on the social/class forces behind the recent coup in Bolivia, the role of US/Canada/Western states in organizing and supporting this coup, and what the future holds for Bolivia and its people.
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SIGN THIS PETITION: Calling on PM Trudeau to take action to end all unilateral sanctions against Venezuela, Cuba and other countries, and to promote international cooperation to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is the text of the petition, and you can click on the URL below to actually sign the petition. Please also remember to share. Thanks!
"We, the undersigned, appeal to the Prime Minister and government of Canada to lift all sanctions as...
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