lundi 3 juin 2019

CP of India, CPI Demands the Withdrawal of the Draft Education Policy and Opposes Imposition of Hindi

6/3/19 2:49 PM

India, Communist Party of India En Asia Communist and workers' parties

The National Secretariat of the Communist Party of India issued the following statement on June 03, 2019:

The National Secretariat of the Communist Party of India opposes the Modi government’s position on languages and its sinister attempt to impose Hindi in the name of three language formula. The Draft New Education Policy is not all about education, but more about how to impose Hindi as part of its agenda of cultural nationalism.

The Communist Party of India is for promotion and preservation of all our languages and for equality of all our languages. The party is also for developing scripts and dialects of tribal languages.

Despite some clarification from the government in the midst of growing agitations in several states like Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and other states, there are apprehensions about the imposition of Hindi which poses threat to the unity and integrity of the country.

The National Secretariat of the CPI demands that the present Draft Education Policy which is in public domain should be withdrawn.


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