jeudi 13 juin 2019


Dear Daniel,

Great news, folks. Your work paved the way for universal pharmacare.
The Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare has just released its final report.
And it’s good.
The Council recommends the creation of a public, universal pharmacare program for all Canadians.
It’s time for our elected officials to now do their part and support the unfinished business of medicare.
We know that Big Pharma and the insurance industries will continue to lobby for a patchwork system. They want to preserve their monopolies and maintain their exorbitant profit margins.
We need to remind our MPs that they serve public, not private interests.
Besides, there will be a federal election this fall. Tell your MP that you will be voting for the candidate that commits to a truly universal, public pharmacare plan.
Hassan Yussuff
Canadian Labour Congress, the national voice of Canada’s unions

Canadian Labour Congress//
Congrès du travail du Canada
2841 promenade Riverside Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1V 8X7

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