Guaidó-USAID Trucks Torched on Border
By Kurt Nimmo
Global Research, February 24, 2019
Region: Latin America & Caribbean, USA
Theme: Law and Justice, Police State & Civil Rights

6 25

The “humanitarian aid” false flag has devolved into violence on the Francisco de Paula Santander bridge in Venezuela.

· Feb 23, 2019
Replying to @WCKitchen
Second humanitarian aid truck is now on fire as well. The truck has exploded. #Venezuela

All aid trucks on the Francisco de Paula Santander bridge to Venezuela are now on fire — the cargo was able to be removed from the last truck and taken back across the bridge into Colombia. #Venezuela
3:17 PM - Feb 23, 2019
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Amir Richani@amir_richani
· Feb 23, 2019
Venezuelan armed forces throw tear at civilians safeguarding the humanitarian aid at the Simon Bolivar bridge.
They have also burned the aid carried by two trucks.
Aerial picture of what is happening - not mine#23feb #breaking #venezuela

Amir Richani@amir_richani
Venezuelan security forces attack trucks carrying humanitarian aid.
Clashes between security forces and protesters at the Simon Bolivar breach continue. #breaking #23feb #venezuela #23FAvalanchaHumanitaria
3:30 PM - Feb 23, 2019
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BREAKING: Violence amid protests and clashes at Venezuela's borders, as efforts ramp up to force foreign humanitarian aid into the country, despite the Maduro regime's efforts to keep it out.
3:43 PM - Feb 23, 2019
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Meanwhile, in Santa Elena de Uairén near the Venezuela-Brazil border, gunfire has erupted.

BNO News
Heavy gunfire heard in Santa Elena de Uairén near the Venezuela-Brazil border; reports of injuries and possible fatalities
3:20 PM - Feb 23, 2019
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The Cynicism of Empire: Sen. Rubio Tells Venezuelans to Overthrow Their Government…or Starve!
Imagine the response if Venezuela tried to drive a caravan of “humanitarian aid” across the border in McAllen, Texas, Nogales on the Arizona border, or the crossing in California at Mexicali. It would likely resemble Bush the Elder’s Highway of Death in Kuwait.
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Antoine Bousquet@AJBousquet
Aerial view of "The Highway of Death" on which Iraqi forces suffered devastating losses at the hands of Coalition Forces as they retreated from Kuwait in February 1991. Between 1,400 and 2,000 vehicles were destroyed or abandoned.
5:43 AM - Feb 21, 2019
See Antoine Bousquet's other Tweets
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Meanwhile, there was an opportunity for Juan Guaido, the self-proclaimed leader of Venezuela, to partake in a photo-op.

#Guaido mounts humanitarian aid truck headed to #Venezuela#Colombia #23FAvalanchaHumanitaria
3:15 PM - Feb 23, 2019
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This was played up by Trump’s neocon national security adviser, John Bolton. He said earlier the next target is Nicaragua and its leader, Daniel Ortega.

John Bolton
The U.S. has provided critically needed aid for the people of Venezuela. Now is the time for Venezuelan military to allow aid through the border. As Interim President Guaido said today “Those who accompany us to save the lives of Venezuelans are true patriots.”
Juan Guaidó
Rueda de Prensa. #AyudaHumanitaria …
3:24 PM - Feb 23, 2019
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Victor Kuhnovets@vicktop55
Amid Washington's crude attempts to carry out regime change in Venezuela, John Bolton already threatens the next victim - Nicaragua is in the cross-hairs now. via Angelina Siard
1:41 AM - Feb 23, 2019
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If you ever had doubt Bolton and the neocons are living in 1963 during the height of the Cold War, consider the following tweet.

ABC News
National security adviser John Bolton: "Some people call the country now 'Cuba-zuela' reflecting the grip that Cuba's military and security forces have on the Maduro regime. We think that's a strategic significant threat to the United States"
4:51 PM - Jan 28, 2019
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“On November 1, 2018, Bolton denounced Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela as a “troika of tyranny” and saying that he looks forward to watching their governments fall.” (by K. Livingstone) …
3:34 AM - Feb 23, 2019
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It’s not just Venezuela: Nicaragua & Cuba also on the way of American imperialism – K. Livingstone...
Both historical and current experience in Central and Latin America shows the social progress and people’s rights are not things that are on the agenda of US-installed
See Carly's other Tweets
It looks like the situation on the border will devolve into violence and the US will use this to argue for military intervention, either by the US or in combo with Brazil and especially Colombia. The sanctions imposed on the country will take too long for impatient neocons.
The incidents on the border crossings in Venezuela are a great propaganda victory for the US. It’s not clear who is responsible for torching (and possibly bombing) “aid” trucks on the Francisco de Paula Santander bridge, but the blame was quickly placed on the Maduro and the Venezuelan military.
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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Another Day in the Empire.
Kurt Nimmo is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Kurt Nimmo, Global Research, 2019
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Articles by:Kurt Nimmo
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