jeudi 7 février 2019

Communist Party of the Russian Federation

... in the strongest possible terms denounces the interference of the USA in the home affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in an attempt to subordinate it to the American interests alien to the Venezuelan people.

The recognition of a self-proclaimed president of the country, of course will be a pretext of restoration of the USA dominance in the country and has nothing in common with human rights and democracy. American struggle for democracy is only focused on country’s oil and other natural resources with quite evident attempt to bring them under control of the US capital.

Thus, one more time we witness an example of an attempt to overthrow a legal national leader under the pretext of restoration of human rights and true democracy.

CPRF denounces the flagrant violation of International Law and provisions of the UN Charter by the US and other countries followed American intervening in the internal affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

We reiterates our solidarity with President Nicolas Maduro, the Venezuelan people, the Communist Party of Venezuela and all forces defending national sovereignty and independence.

CPRF calls on all progressive forces of the world to prevent the most flagrant violation of International Law and support the only legal national President Nicolas Maduro.

CPRF Central Committee

January 28, 2019

This entry was posted in Statements, Uncategorized on January 28, 2019 by International Department.
Rally in support of Nicolas Maduro – the only legal President of Venezuela.

On January 28, 2019 the CPRF arranged a rally in support of Nicolas Maduro – the only legal President of Venezuela.

CPRF Parliamentarians Denis Parfenov and Valery Rashkin in the strongest possible terms denounced the interference of the USA in the home affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in an attempt to subordinate it to the American interests alien to the Venezuelan people.

According to Denis Parfenov the situation in Venezuela, is one more example of flagrant violation of International Law and provisions of the UN Charter by the US and other countries following American intervening in the internal affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

The Parliamentarian stressed that the overthrow of the legal national leader under the pretext of restoration of human rights and true democracy was a cynical American methodology which had been already tested in Iraq, Libya, Georgia, Ukraine and even in Russia during the 1990s.

Today Russia is obliged to support Venezuela and its legal president on the international level and to prevent plundering of this country by liberal dissenters headed by Juan Guaido.

Rally participants call on all progressive forces of the world to oppose the US – led coup attempt and support the only legal President Nicolas Maduro.

CPRF CC International Department

This entry was posted in Uncategorized on January 28, 2019 by International Department.
Obituary – Anatoly Ivanovich Lukyanov

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation with deep sorrow reports the death, on 9 January 2019, of Professor Anatoly Ivanovich Lukyanov, 88, a prominent Soviet Statesman and Party leader, candidate member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee in 1988-1990, the Chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet in 1990-1991, member of the CPRF Central Committee Presidium in 1994-2000, State Duma Parliamentarian of the 1-3 convocations, Doctor of Law.

Continue reading →This entry was posted in Statements on January 11, 2019 by adm.

Ney Year Greetings
December 29, 2018

In support of the Communist party of Poland. Protests in front of Polish Consulates

On December 3, 2018 the CPRF branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad and Smolensk arranged a series of protest actions as a part of international campaign in support of the Communist Party of Poland which is under persecution of the Polish government.

Continue reading →This entry was posted in International Activity on December 6, 2018 by adm.
“We were fighting for the Soviet Motherland” 25th anniversary of the tragic autumn of 1993

We are approaching an important date in our country’s history. It is a quarter century since the Yeltsin regime perpetrated a heinous crime. In October of 1993 tanks gunned down Soviet Power, the power of the people. Only mute echoes of that gruesome tragedy reach today’s young generation. But for those who were involved in and witnessed those dramatic events they will be forever alive, the pain will never subside and the soul scars will never heal.

Continue reading →This entry was posted in Articles on November 30, 2018 by adm.
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