samedi 9 février 2019

Elizabeth Warren officially launches 2020 presidential campaign with rally in working-class Massachusetts town

FEB 09, 2019 | 12:55 PM

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) formally launched her presidential bid on Saturday with a populist call to fight economic inequality. (Michael Dwyer / AP)

It's official.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren formally kicked off her campaign for the White House with a rally Saturday in the working-class town of Lawrence, Mass.

The liberal Democrat’s 2020 message leaned heavily on her populist calls to fight back against a "rigged system" and her opposition to the policies of President Trump.

Warren didn’t directly rip into the current occupant of the Oval Office, instead accusing his administration of being the “most corrupt in living memory” and highlighting her resistance to his economic and immigration policies in calling for “structural reform.”

“It won’t be enough to just undo the terrible acts of this administration. We can’t afford to just tinker around the edges – a tax credit here, a regulation there. Our fight is for big, structural change,” Warren told the crowd at the outdoor rally.

The Trump foe decried a “middle-class squeeze” that has been compounded by “too little accountability for the rich, too little opportunity for everyone else.”

The blue collar environs of Lawrence, and its past importance in the labor movement, reflected Warren’s message. The New England factory town,straddling the Merrimack River about 30 miles north of Boston, was the site of the landmark “Bread and Roses” strike of textile workers in 1912.

Warren, who spent the past decade making a name for herself as a consumer activist during the financial crisis before entering politics, joins what is likely to be a historically crowded primary field.

Her path through the primary will not be without its bumps as 69-year-old has already faced criticism over her decision last year to release the results of a DNA test intended to prove her past claims of Native American ancestry. Trump has mockingly referred to Warren as “Pocahontas.”

The kick-off prompted the President’s re-election campaign to take a swipe at the senator.

"Elizabeth Warren has already been exposed as a fraud by the Native Americans she impersonated and disrespected to advance her professional career, and the people of Massachusetts she deceived to get elected,” Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said in a statement.

With News Wire Services

White House
Elizabeth Warren

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