lundi 4 novembre 2019

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Economic blockade affects sawn timber production in Matanzas

4 November, 2019 - de GirónNoticias - in De Cuba, De Matanzas, Economía, Noticias.


The failure to comply with the plan for sawn timber scheduled for last October in Matanzas Agroforestry Company is a palpable example of the effects of the economic and financial blockade of the United States to Cuba, said Jorge Diaz, director general of the entity.
Diaz explained that the fuel deficit conditioned on the island by the intensification of U.S. political interference impacted on production routines, and although alternatives were applied, it took 370 cubic meters to achieve the 713 cubic meters of sawn timber planned for the month just concluded.
The director informed that of the 31,000 liters of oil that the company was supposed to receive in October, there were 9,000, a product of the energy situation conditioned by the U.S. government's threats to ships and companies that transport fuel to Cuban ports.
Despite the non-compliance, the collective does not renounce to achieve in 2019 the production of the remaining 1,700 cubic meters to pay for the annual plan of 7,500 cubic meters of sawn wood, is a challenge but we have the will and possibilities to achieve it, said Jorge.
Among the measures applied in the company in terms of saving and rational use of fuel are the collective transfer of workers in cars that use gasoline and not petroleum, and the use of animal traction for the movement of raw materials.
Dania Ramírez Cabrera, commercial director of Agroforestal Matanzas, confirmed that the North American blockade hinders the productive and commercial possibilities of the institution, and limits development for the benefit of the entity and its workers.
The economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba intends to condition a scenario of adversity that questions the state's administrative management in order to delegitimize it; the will to do so rationally and efficiently are responses from the island to this genocidal foreign policy.
This commercial, economic and financial siege imposed by the United States on Cuba since February 7, 1962, was converted into law in 1992 and 1995.
It is one of the longest lasting, and has caused losses to the country, from April 2018 to March 2019, in the order of 4,343.6 million dollars.

Tags: Savings, Blockade against Cuba, economic blockade, Matanzas Agroforestry Company, United States Cuba, WOOD

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