mercredi 19 décembre 2018

Trump is toast: This week really was the beginning of the end for the President
DEC 14, 2018 | 11:25 AM

President Donald Trump is pictured during a meeting in the Oval Office of White House on Tuesday in Washington. (The Washington Post/Getty Images)

He is done. Donald Trump will be forced to resign the presidency before November 2020.

It's always looked like this might be where we were heading. But now it is far easier to believe it’s going to happen. The case against Trump has barreled past the tipping point. And there’s nothing he can do to reverse it.

Let’s break it all down.

The President of the United States has been implicated in at least one felony. The same crime that his own lawyer pleaded guilty to and has been sentenced to serve time for in federal prison (along with other offenses).

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But Michael Cohen wasn’t alone. The head of American Media, Inc., David Pecker, has now implicated Trump. Pecker has also agreed to cooperate with the special counsel. At the very least, he will attest, under oath, to Trump’s directing hush money to keep women’s mouths shut about their sexual affairs with him — in a clearly stated effort to influence the campaign. Felony.

Right now, right this minute, a substantive case can be made that Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in a felony crime. This was the term that became popular after Watergate as a way to refer to Richard M. Nixon.

This alleged crime in and of itself may be enough to trigger the first big step in the resignation process: the House Democrats drawing up Articles of Impeachment — and passing them with a simple majority.

But here’s the thing: Robert Mueller III isn’t done. Maybe not even close. He has remained silent for 18 months for a reason. He’s never indicated when his work will be done, not even a soft deadline. This is because when you investigate something, you keep heading down a hot trail until it goes cold. Until you have all of the truth that is meaningful. Until there’s no more.

Among other potential Trump crimes that have been reported to be under investigation by the Department of Justice:

1) Money laundering.

2) Conspiring with foreign agents to defraud American voters in the 2016 presidential election.

3) Perjury.

4) Obstruction of justice.

5) Witness tampering.

6) Fraud associated with the 2017 Trump Presidential inaugural committee.

There may be plenty more that comes to light that we cannot yet envision, because Cohen, Pecker, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, Allen Weisselberg, Maria Butina and many others are likely singin’ like Gaga.

Additionally, the next speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), has just announced that the incoming majority will subpoena Donald Trump’s tax returns. Democrats’ imminent control over the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform empowers them to do so.

Some may say: So what? The GOP still has the majority in the U.S. Senate. So even if the President got impeached in the House, it would take 67 Senators to convict him. In other words, 20 Republicans would have to cross party lines.

Fat chance. Or not.

In 1973-74, the Republicans had Richard Nixon’s back. Month after month, negative story after negative story. Until they didn’t. Until it was clear that he had obstructed justice.

On Aug. 7, 1974, U.S. Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Az.), Senator Howard Baker (R-Tenn.), House Minority Leader John Rhodes, (R-Az.) and Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott (R-PA) strolled into the Oval Office and explained to Nixon that he faced almost certain conviction and removal from office by his own party.

The next night, Nixon announced his resignation.

No one should be under any illusions about the GOP sticking with Trump no matter what. Most Republicans in Congress are disgusted and mortified by the President. They continue to support him for one of two reasons (or both): fear of defeat in their next reelection due to Trump’s seemingly impenetrable control over his base, and the Faustian bargain that most of them cut with their consciences long ago. That is, they want to jam judges and legislation through while they have the power to do so.

Some might say that even if we do get to that point where Republican senators tell Trump they’re not afraid anymore — that he’s gonna be a goner in a nationally televised trial — even then, Trump will resist! “He loves the fight!”

Don’t be so sure. Trump also loves playing the martyr. And if we arrive at that juncture where his ouster by the Senate looks like a lock, Trump will do what he would have done if he’d lost in 2016: Take his impossibly loyal following and monetize the hell out of it.

We’ve raced past the tipping point. We’re only going to see more revelations in the coming weeks and months. And the weight will be just too heavy for this President. One way or another, he is done.

Golden is the author of “Unlock Congress: Reform the Rules — Restore the System.”

Donald Trump
Republican Party
U.S. Senate
Democratic Party
Michael Cohen
Glenn L Howard

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