Rex Murphy: Deliverology, where are thy successes?

Has Trudeau delivered on his promise to strike the perfect balance between Energy and the Environment? Why no, it looks like a real bust

Sir Michael Barber, a hired government coach of sorts, is flanked by Heritage Minister MŽlanie Joly (L) and Environment Minister Catherine McKenna as they head to morning meetings at the Delta Lodge at Kananaskis west of Calgary, Alta., on April 26, 2016.

An utterly unreliable source, nowhere close to the prime minister and his inner circle, who wishes to remain anonymous, and in whom I have hardly any trust whatsoever, tells me the Trudeau government may be seeking a refund from their Deliverology Guru.*
The shaman of Deliverology (a barbarous and most uninspired coinage) is Mr. Michael Barber. A shortcut for understanding what he does is to think of him as a kind of Tony Robbins for immature governments. A deliverologist is a slick confidence booster for the unprepared, for those who sweep into public office (sometimes much to their own surprise) and who promised the moon and most of the outlying planets in the hope to get there, and are now in desperate need of a hired astronomer (or consultant) to get them off the hook.
Trudeau and his top advisers brought Sir Michael into the game to teach them how to deliver (how to promise they needed no help on; Liberals promise as salmon go upstream — it’s their innate compulsion and gift). But now, at mid-point in the Trudeau term, where’s the beef?
Trudeau brought Sir Michael into the game to teach them how to deliver