vendredi 27 janvier 2017


Large Sections of U.S. imperialism dumped Obama; workers did just the same

By Daniel Paquet                                  

This time last year, fewer than four in 10 were happy with Obama’s economic policies.  When asked last week to assess progress under Obama, 56% of Americans said the country had lost ground or stood still on the economy; while 48% said it had lost ground on the gap between the rich and poor – against just 14% who said it gained ground.  These were the Obama coalition – black and young and poor – who did not vote in November, making Trump’s victory possible.  Those whose hopes are not being met:  people more likely to go to the polls, because they are inspired about a better future than because they fear a worse one.”[1]

In Canada, different theses are under monitoring, but basically, many media try to supply their audience with a basic answer:  why Trump and not Clinton?

“At the risk of undermining the resistance, here are a few notes of cautious optimism.  I do not believe that Mr. Trump’s agenda is racist or sexist or that he hates Mexicans or even Muslims (peaceful ones that is).  Most of his closest advisers are reasonably sane. (In fact, I’d feel incredibly relieved if Jared and Ivanka ran the White House while he tweets away.) Many of his cabinet appointments are fine, and some are outstanding. Rex Tillerson, his secretary of state, has Vladimir Putin’s number.  He is tough and crafty.  He makes John Kerry look like a eunuch.  I hate to say it, but if Mr. Trump can juice the economy and avoid a war, he could prove pretty popular.  Meantime, the Democrats are all but dead.  They have no comeback strategy and no younger generation of potential leaders.  They’re going to lose more Senate seats.  At the state level, they have only 16 governors left.   Outrage isn’t going to solve their problem.  And it won’t stop Mr. Trump.  Sad! Maybe it’s time to think long and hard about what will.”[2]

Nevertheless, Mr. Trump deserves to be heard, read and scrutinized before any conclusion.  In his first speech as President he underscored the following intentions:  “(that) he was decidedly inward looking marked by a pledge to follow an ‘only America first’ vision that would roll back globalization in a bid to protect jobs from moving to other countries. (He added) We must protect our borders from the ravages to other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs.’  To Mr. Trump’s supporters, however, he is straight-talker willing to confront harsh realities and restore a declining America.”[3]

On the opposite side and according to an editorial, The Globe and Mail says:  “Mr. Obama had it right in his goodbye speech in Chicago two weeks ago.  ‘The work of democracy has always been hard, contentious and sometimes bloody.  For every two steps forward, it often   feels we take one step back.  But the long sweep of America has been defined by forward motion, a constant widening of our founding creed to embrace all, and not just some.’  History is not on Mr. Trump’s side.  This is greatest weakness, and the reason to never lose hope.”[4]

At last on this chapter, “the media, the Democrats, and especially Mr. Trump’s own party have a duty to hold him to account.  But in the end, it’s the active involvement of citizens that will matter the most.”[5]

Actually, the feud is raging amidst the Canadian mass-media, especially in the Province of Québec.  There has been a deep disappointment in the news room, since they believed strongly in their own lies about Democrats and Hillary Clinton.  In fact, Parti québécois is well in advance in the number of personnel working for instance at Ici Radio-Canada Première (the State-owned television and radio networks).  For them, t he worst the situation is, the best it is for their proper agenda:  the separation of Québec and the continuation of a political trend in U.S.A. that is in favour of such a separation that would encourage the petite-bourgeoisie and its businesses.  Already, they are trying their luck at doing everything that would put in force this issue.  De facto, they have been trying just anything, including the creation of many political parties:  Parti québécois, Coalition Avenir Québec, Québec solidaire and various satellite movements gravitating mostly around Parti québécois (the oldest protagonist).

On the other hand, Parti libéral du Québec, closer to big business (the bourgeois party in Québec), they will eventually rally the Trump camp. 

Altogether, through the prism of the presidential campaign and election in our major trade partner, Québec nationalists signal that they did not change their vision of Canada, that is a broken  country without its Québécois part; it boils down that on the menu, it will be again and solely ‘French-Canadian pea  soup’.
Conclusion:  some journalists could dread the future; after all, ‘promotions’ could come sooner than they expect.


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[1] Younge, Gary, How Obama paved the way for Trump, The Guardian Weekly, London, 20.01.17, page 18
[2] Wente, Margaret, Don’t set your hair on fire.  It won’t help, The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Saturday, January 21, 2017, page F7
[3] Morrow, Adrian, Winning like never before, The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Saturday, January 21, 2017, page A3
[4] Keep calm and carry on, Saturday January 21, 2017, page F6
[5] Editorial, Only the people can hold him to account, The Guardian Weekly, London, 20.01.17, page 22

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