lundi 19 décembre 2016

Cuba - Festival of youth

1 commentaire:

  1. Publiée le 21 juill. 2015

    T/I: 10:08:48

    Cuban President Fidel Castro greeted thousands of young people from around the world at a communist-sponsored youth festival Monday (28/7) in Havana. The participants included young Americans who defied a US
    travel ban.
    The event is held every few years, usually in a communist-ruled country.
    Fidel Castro did not speak to the participants, but waved from a
    balcony at the Havana University, where Silvio Rodriguez and other Cuban folk singers played for the crowd. Cuban youths joined visitors from around the world, waving Cuban flags and banners with the image of Che Guevara.


    HAVANA, CUBA 28/7
    vs crowd at rally
    Fidel Castro at podium
    ws crowd
    Castro at podium
    crowd, flags of the world
    woman introduces festival (in Spanish): Si we are here for to unite the youth of the world and their youth organizations, to share the necessity to come to together in exchange ideas and to dream of a better future for the future generations."
    flag procession
    Gerardo Alfonzo sings famous song "Habana"
    Silvio Rodriguez sings about how he has made his committment to the revolution
    girls wave flag
    SOT American tourist: "I feel magnificant I feel wonderful I feel liberated and free. . . wonderful time: Q: What would you like to say to the rest of the world: "Socialism works."
    American tourists walk
    German school teacher; "I like Cuba it is very interesting."
    SOT American woman: "I'm having a great time. We are part of one of the largest delegations sent."
    vs American visitors


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