samedi 5 octobre 2024


https://www.mon Our site in English: Globalization | Asia-Pacific Research Who started the chain reaction in the Middle East? By Manlio Dinucci, October 5, 2024 Region: Middle East and North Africa Theme: USA NATO War CNN describes the Iranian missile attack on Israel as follows: “ Iran launched its largest attack on Israel, firing 200 ballistic missiles in an unprecedented barrage that was largely neutralized by Israeli defenses with U.S. assistance. The attack left one person dead .” This confirms that the Iranian attack was a demonstrative action that had virtually no military impact. Israel, meanwhile, is preparing for a destructive “retaliation,” declaring UN Secretary-General Guterres “persona non grata” because he “failed to condemn Iran’s missile attack on Israel strongly enough.” If Israel – found guilty by the UN International Court of Justice of genocide against the Palestinians – can nullify any authority of the United Nations of which it is a member, if it can continue the genocide with impunity even in the West Bank in order to definitively annihilate the Palestinian state, it is because it is supported by the United States, NATO and the EU as part of a concerted strategy. A year ago, in the October 7 episode entitled “ The Middle East’s September 11 ,” we claimed, on the basis of precise documentation, that this was a “scenario similar to the terrorist attack in New York and Washington on September 11, 2001, a foiled operation by the CIA (probably also with the participation of the Mossad) to initiate the global war on terror with the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and the wars that followed.” We then concluded: "Something similar is happening today in Israel, whose entire intelligence and defense system was apparently "taken by surprise" by the Hamas attack. The strategic goal of the operation is, on the one hand, to exterminate the Palestinians and seize their territories. On the other hand, the strategic goal of the operation is to initiate, by targeting Iran, a chain reaction of wars in a Middle East where the United States, Israel and the European powers are losing ground." The chain reaction is underway: Israel – armed and supported primarily by the United States, which is deploying increasing military force in the Middle East – is not only continuing the destruction of Palestine, but is extending the war to Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq. The central target remains Iran, which is even more important today: having joined the BRICS, of which Russia and China are members, it is now a nerve center of the North-South Corridor built by Russia in response to the West's blockade and, at the same time, a nerve center of the New Silk Road promoted by China. Unable to counter by political and economic means these projects which shake their dominant position in a region of strategic importance, the United States and the European powers resort to war using Israel as their spearhead. In this context, Julian Assange's speech at the European Council in Strasbourg, which correspondent Berenice Galli reports on at the end of this episode, takes on its full importance. Manlio Dinucci Brief summary of the international press review Grandangolo of Friday, October 4, 2024 on the Italian TV channel Byoblu: Translation: * Manlio Dinucci is a geographer and journalist, former executive director for Italy of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, an association that received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. Spokesperson for the Comitato no Guerra no Nato (Italy) and associate researcher at the Centre for Research on Globalization (Canada). 2019 International Journalism Award for Geostrategic Analysis from the Club de Periodistas de México. His latest book translated into French: “ Nuclear War. The Day Before ”, Éditions Delga, 2021. The original source of this article is Copyright © Manlio Dinucci ,, 2024 Articles By: Manlio Dinucci About : Manlio Dinucci is a geographer and journalist, former executive director for Italy of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, an association that received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. Spokesperson for the Comitato no Guerra no Nato (Italy) and associate researcher of Global Research (Canada). International Journalism Award 2019 for Geostrategic Analysis from the Club de Periodistas de México. Disclaimer : The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author(s). The Center for Research on Globalization assumes no responsibility for the content of this article and will not be liable for any errors or incorrect or inaccurate information. The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) grants permission to reproduce the full version or excerpts of articles from on alternative media sites. 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