samedi 15 septembre 2018


By Daniel Paquet                                   

Sadness, did you say?  Oh, rather deep sorrow!  The U.S. communist newspaper disappeared in January 2010, sunk by its editorial board.  They shut the public voice of the Communist Party USA, the People’s Weekly World (PWW).
The CP USA electronic newsletter People’s World , which replaced the PWW, praised President Obama to the skies. For instance, when it “tackles immigration reform”, it says: “The president, like the Statue of Liberty and Lazarus’ poem, appeals to the best of America”.  Is that true?  At any rate, it caused confusion.
What was next?  Already in the past, one of the U.S. leaders, Dan Margolis barred the sending to Montréal of the PWW, not “to mingle with Canadian affairs”; nowadays, he acts as a modern Mandarin, kicking out party members who do not abide by His Grace.
Astonishingly enough the 29th Convention in New York (May 2010), hammers out:  “Finally, as for the role of communists, our mission is not to ‘steer the ship of state’.  That task is the responsibility of a broader left coalition and the broadest possible section of the people.” The writer Edward A. Drummond, in The Crisis of the CPUSA Part 2, shows that “above all, the greatest problem is the demoralization and political disorientation” ...  in the membership and “the CP USA suffers from growing international isolation”.
Nevertheless, their People’s World reported in June 2010, that: “Opening the U.S. Social Forum in this city (Detroit, Ed.), hit hard by the economic crisis; 20 000 from around the nation marched [...] calling for jobs, economic and social justice and equality.”  At the same time, the leadership of the CP USA was tailing Obama, its Democratic Party and the direction of the AFL-CIO.  They don’t live up to the fine traditions of the internationalist CP USA past chairman, Gus Hall. 
The tone here is angry.  How would you react, when a clique of right-wing opportunists is wrecking this beautiful U.S. fighter’s party, vanguard of working people’s rights: Black and White, English and Spanish speaking, and much more?
Drummond declares:  “Project the Party’s own advanced demands for anti-monopoly democracy and for socialism.  Fight for leadership of people’s movements, including trade unions.” He also states that “… for the overwhelming majority of Americans of color, the burden of special oppression and class oppression remain a material reality, as the Black unemployment rates double the white unemployment rate (true for decades now) illustrate”.  30 millions unemployed people languish and the Party leadership has not taken a single step toward responding to the crisis in its own name.

The international scene

At the end of June 2010, the US Congress responding to a demand of President Obama granted $ 33 more billions to the war in Afghanistan; 30 000 more troopers were dispatched there.  It seems that there is no way out.  Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, kept on asking the Canadian government to pursue its mission in Afghanistan.  In July 2010, Métro reported that Richard Fadden, the “boss” of CSIS (Canadian secret services, Ed.) regretted to have said that: “there is a foreign interference in provincial politics”. 
This is probably pretty mild in comparison to the constant interventions of the US government in Canadian affairs; but nobody raised the point so far.  Now, as a growing number of US rank-and-file communists put it: “If anyone is tempted to walk away in disgust, resist the temptation.  Real revolutionaries don’t quit.  Walking away only makes the victory of the Party-wreckers easier.  There is not an infinite amount of time to right this starboard-listing ship.  Every comrade is needed in this struggle.”
Thus, some Canadian communists got in touch with a few US comrades; they talk together.  “Interference!”  will shout Webb and his bunch…  No!  In North America, we need action and solidarity.  Obama puts us to sleep.  Let’s wake up workers’ of America!
However, there is now the new Party of Communists USA. 

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