vendredi 18 août 2017

Photo de Communist Party of Canada - Parti Communiste du Canada.
Communist Party of Canada - Parti Communiste du Canada
15 h
Today in 1982 the Communist & anti-apartheid fighter Ruth First was assassinated by the racist South African apartheid government.
We remember her but not only ...her. All who fought against fascist apartheid must be uncovered and commemorated.
“I count myself an African, and there is no cause I hold dearer.”
The child of communist parents, Ruth First was part of the small minority of white South Africans who fought against the Apartheid regime. First was imprisoned repeatedly for her activity, including a period of detention without charge lasting 117 days, during which she was tortured. After her release she continued to participate in the anti-apartheid struggle from exile in Britain and several African countries. In 1982, First was assassinated by South African intelligence.


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