mardi 8 octobre 2024


Uncovering World Tyranny and Its War Strategies. Peter Koenig and David Icke An introduction by Peter Koenig By David Icke and Peter Koenig Global Research, October 07, 2024 Theme: Media Disinformation, Police State & Civil Rights Everyone interested in where we are going in this dystopian civilization and ever-more tyrannical world, must see this extraordinary interview with David Icke by Kla.TV. It can, and hopefully does, bring a larger awakening to the people around the globe. David Icke talks about the corralling of the world population into ever smaller spaces under the pretext of “climate change” that requires a “net-zero” CO2 world, no travel, no industry, promoting the “15-minute cities”. It is absurd. “Zero-Net” – by 2050 – is propagated by the globalists as a must for humanity’s and Mother Earth’s survival. It will not happen. Humanity will survive. And all this while they – the self-declared masters of the universe – namely the financial establishment know very well that CO2 is a life essential gas; without which there would be no life, no plants, no food, no economic development — no-nothing. But the believers in authority follow the masters’ orders and practically commit suicide by following and obeying a lie, attempting the reduction to zero of CO2. David explains how world events are connected. With a little research and a clear-thinking head, you will find that all major geopolitical, socioeconomic events are not just haphazardly occurring side by side or in certain sequences, they are all linked up throughout the world. So, connecting the dots, you will see that we are living in a well-orchestrated web, where all makes sense – for those who are in command of the web — and to the detriment of the vast bulk of populations. There is a tiny-tiny elite behind the web, pretending to have all the power, only because we believe all the lies from our government and institutional so-called authorities, dictated to them by this elite. We have been taught in school to trust in authority and to obey authorities. It is a difficult axiom to break. The constant drill of the mainstream media assures a steady drop-by-drop indoctrination of lies becoming the truth. David Icke also describes how true non-mainstream media some 20 years ago, gradually was converted into “mainstream alternative” media, also called “controlled opposition” by the big media outlets, Murdoch, Disney, Warner Brothers and more. As a new, controlled alternative media, he mentioned Tucker Carlson, among others. They are promoted and funded by Big Tech and Big Finance, but cannot trespass their given boundaries. The TRUE non-mainstream and independent remaining journalists and news sites are cornered, cyber-attacked and censored. That is how a small group of financial and big-tech oligarchs takes ever more control of society. “Sick and Tired” of Lies, Wars and Tyranny? And What’s the Way Out? We MUST break out from this giant net or worldwide matrix controlled by a tiny elite that controls technology, finance, and decides over our heath or death, through WHO, supported by Big Pharma. Exiting the matrix is our condition to become free and sovereign citizens again. And, yes, we can —by becoming self-asserted and independent thinkers, joining up with others and together breaking the elite-bullies “rules-based order” back to legality, international, national and local laws, respecting one another, and respecting the rights of people, indigenous, westerners, easterners, Africans and Middle Easterners and whatever ethnicity you may find. We are all the same. Our souls are not bound to a pyramid order of hierarchy. They are equal. David’s motto is: “Know the goal, then you will see the way leading there!” In the interview he shows that even free educators are in danger of supporting the development of a centrally dictated global dystopia. David Icke, the Dot-Connector, starts the interview by saying, “If you look at the world as a series of random events, random happenings, it makes no sense. Why do they do that? Why do they do it this way? Why don’t they do it that way? It would be much better if they did it that way. And so on and so forth. Why does this happen? But when you connect the dots, you connect these events, you find that they do all connect. It suddenly makes all sense. And, you know, people say sometimes about me: “You see a conspiracy everywhere.”” “No, I do not. I see one conspiracy to turn the world into a global dystopia. And that one conspiracy has endless facets and forms. But it is actually one conspiracy. It is one gigantic web. And that is literally true in terms of what I call the Global Cult, which is a global network of secret societies which are operating outside or in the shadows from those that appear to be running the world.” David’s clear-sight points to a key element that may lead us into a dystopian world. Our societal behavior is based on our perception. The perceptions are based on the messages we receive. The Global Cult that pretends to control us, formulates the messages as lies, to make us believe there is a problem, the people react, then they can present, or impose us a solution. He calls it simply, “Problems, Reaction, Solution”. David uses the recent example of covid. He says, “People caved in to the COVID hoax because they perceived there was a dangerous virus. And they perceived, that the fake vaccine, not a vaccine under previous criteria, was a way to save them from the dangerous virus. That perception led to people submitting to what were fascistic impositions all over the world. So, if you want to control behavior, you must control perception. And if you control behavior, well, collectively, that is what we call human society. And then you ask the question, where do perceptions come from? Well, they come from information received”. And information is controlled and manipulated to serve the purpose of the controllers. David Icke’s presentation is brilliant. It is a MUST-SEE for every truth seeker. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. Birds Not Bombs: Let’s Fight for a World of Peace, Not War Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020). Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. The original source of this article is Global Research Copyright © David Icke and Peter Koenig, Global Research, 2024 Comment on Global Research Articles on our Facebook page Become a Member of Global Research/ (en français)

samedi 5 octobre 2024


https://www.mon Our site in English: Globalization | Asia-Pacific Research Who started the chain reaction in the Middle East? By Manlio Dinucci, October 5, 2024 Region: Middle East and North Africa Theme: USA NATO War CNN describes the Iranian missile attack on Israel as follows: “ Iran launched its largest attack on Israel, firing 200 ballistic missiles in an unprecedented barrage that was largely neutralized by Israeli defenses with U.S. assistance. The attack left one person dead .” This confirms that the Iranian attack was a demonstrative action that had virtually no military impact. Israel, meanwhile, is preparing for a destructive “retaliation,” declaring UN Secretary-General Guterres “persona non grata” because he “failed to condemn Iran’s missile attack on Israel strongly enough.” If Israel – found guilty by the UN International Court of Justice of genocide against the Palestinians – can nullify any authority of the United Nations of which it is a member, if it can continue the genocide with impunity even in the West Bank in order to definitively annihilate the Palestinian state, it is because it is supported by the United States, NATO and the EU as part of a concerted strategy. A year ago, in the October 7 episode entitled “ The Middle East’s September 11 ,” we claimed, on the basis of precise documentation, that this was a “scenario similar to the terrorist attack in New York and Washington on September 11, 2001, a foiled operation by the CIA (probably also with the participation of the Mossad) to initiate the global war on terror with the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and the wars that followed.” We then concluded: "Something similar is happening today in Israel, whose entire intelligence and defense system was apparently "taken by surprise" by the Hamas attack. The strategic goal of the operation is, on the one hand, to exterminate the Palestinians and seize their territories. On the other hand, the strategic goal of the operation is to initiate, by targeting Iran, a chain reaction of wars in a Middle East where the United States, Israel and the European powers are losing ground." The chain reaction is underway: Israel – armed and supported primarily by the United States, which is deploying increasing military force in the Middle East – is not only continuing the destruction of Palestine, but is extending the war to Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq. The central target remains Iran, which is even more important today: having joined the BRICS, of which Russia and China are members, it is now a nerve center of the North-South Corridor built by Russia in response to the West's blockade and, at the same time, a nerve center of the New Silk Road promoted by China. Unable to counter by political and economic means these projects which shake their dominant position in a region of strategic importance, the United States and the European powers resort to war using Israel as their spearhead. In this context, Julian Assange's speech at the European Council in Strasbourg, which correspondent Berenice Galli reports on at the end of this episode, takes on its full importance. Manlio Dinucci Brief summary of the international press review Grandangolo of Friday, October 4, 2024 on the Italian TV channel Byoblu: Translation: * Manlio Dinucci is a geographer and journalist, former executive director for Italy of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, an association that received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. Spokesperson for the Comitato no Guerra no Nato (Italy) and associate researcher at the Centre for Research on Globalization (Canada). 2019 International Journalism Award for Geostrategic Analysis from the Club de Periodistas de México. His latest book translated into French: “ Nuclear War. The Day Before ”, Éditions Delga, 2021. The original source of this article is Copyright © Manlio Dinucci ,, 2024 Articles By: Manlio Dinucci About : Manlio Dinucci is a geographer and journalist, former executive director for Italy of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, an association that received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. Spokesperson for the Comitato no Guerra no Nato (Italy) and associate researcher of Global Research (Canada). International Journalism Award 2019 for Geostrategic Analysis from the Club de Periodistas de México. Disclaimer : The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author(s). The Center for Research on Globalization assumes no responsibility for the content of this article and will not be liable for any errors or incorrect or inaccurate information. The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) grants permission to reproduce the full version or excerpts of articles from on alternative media sites. The source of the article, the URL address and a hyperlink to the original CRM article must be indicated. A copyright notice must also be indicated. To publish articles from in print or other formats, including commercial websites, contact: Global Research contains copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been authorized by the copyright owner. We make this material available to our readers under the principle of "fair use", with the aim of improving understanding of political, economic and social issues. All material posted on this site is not-for-profit. It is made available to all interested parties for the purpose of research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for reasons other than "fair use", you must request permission from the copyright owner. Media Contact: Center for Research on Globalization PrivacyCopyright © 2005-2024

vendredi 4 octobre 2024


A CALL TO UNITY OF ALL PROGRESSISTS By Daniel Paquet Needed: an independent, working-class labour party Following President Joe Biden’s debate performance on June 27, the Democratic Party scrambled to figure out how to deal with his rapidly falling poll numbers. This was a welcome development: polls had long shown the majority of working people unhappy with the choice between Biden or Trump. However, the manner in which party leaders engineered Biden’s replacement at the top of the ticket with Vice President Kamala Harris was thoroughly undemocratic, and bereft of any meaningful discussion of the issues driving large numbers of the party’s potential voters to abandon Biden – most notably, revulsion at his administration’s financial and moral support for Israel’s brutal attack on Gaza and the ongoing shift of income and wealth from working people to the rich and corporations. Also absent was any kind of debate about the kinds of policies that the Democratic Party must stand for and campaign on if it hopes to win votes from working people. These are precisely the kinds of debates that the presidential primary process, however flawed, encourages. Bernie Sanders’ campaigns in 2016 and 2020, waged on a platform that largely reflected UE policy, brought the issues of workers’ rights, livable wages, and universal healthcare to the center of US politics. The effective control of the “Democratic” Party at the national level by an unelected and unaccountable set of fundraisers, operatives and retired politicians has resulted in working people being faced with worse and worse choices in the electoral arena. As the Republican Party has become ever more rabidly anti-worker, the Democrats have been content to cobble together thin majorities based entirely on “lesser-evilism,” rather than on any positive platform for working people. As a result, corporations become ever more powerful and working people become ever more disillusioned and cynical about democracy. Working people desperately need an independent political organization, based on a political program that can unite us, which can fight for that platform in the electoral arena – in short, a labour party. The base for such a party exists. Millions of working people are still in unions, and unions are more popular today than they have been in decades – with higher approval ratings than either major party. During the recent primary season, nearly three-quarters of a million voters cast their votes for “uncommitted” delegates in protest of the Biden administration’s policy towards Gaza. In Nebraska, union leader Dan Osborn, running as an independent, has a fighting chance of unseating an incumbent Republican Senator. Sanders’ presidential campaigns have inspired a new wave of strongly pro-worker candidates to run and win office across the country. In Pittsburgh and Chicago, Congresswoman Summer Lee’s UNITE PAC and the United Working Families, respectively, have successfully taken on the Democratic Party machine and elected solidly pro-worker candidates at all levels. The growing strength of this movement is reflected in the new Democratic ticket. Electing a woman of colour as president would be a historic development, an important symbolic breaking of the kind of barriers that have been an obstacle to working-class unity. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was selected as Harris’s running mate because he would be more acceptable to working-class voters, unions and people angry about Biden’s Gaza policy. The labour movement in Minnesota has generally been very pleased with the pro-worker policies that he has supported as governor. However, merely influencing the face that the Democratic Party shows to voters is not enough. We need an organization that can fight for bold pro-worker policies, mobilize people in the streets – and win elections. The formation of an effective, independent, working-class labour party will be no easy task; it cannot simply be wished into existence. The extreme polarization among working people, our country’s “first-past-the-post” elections, laws that severely hamper third-party candidates, and the influence of big money in politics all buttress the two-party system. Building an effective labour party will require challenging these structural obstacles to democracy. In the face of these obstacles, many of our closest allies, including Summer Lee and UNITE PAC, United Working Families and Bernie Sanders, have sought to strategically use the Democratic Party ballot line. Nonetheless, if we do not aim for the goal of a truly independent political party, and begin to take steps towards that goal, we will be trapped in our existing, corrupt system forever. While we move towards our ultimate goal of a labour party, we have to remain conscious of the fact that elections continue to take place and their outcomes impact workers. There remain real differences between the existing two parties, especially when it comes to labour, and especially our ability to organize and build our strength. Former President Donald Trump has a clear track record when it comes to labour: his appointments to the National Labor Relations Board did all that they could to make it harder for workers to organize unions, and harder for unions to engage in aggressive struggle to improve our conditions. His appointments to the Supreme Court were the deciding votes in the Janus case, which imposed “right-to-work” conditions on public-sector unions across the country, and in a variety of cases attacking the rights of women, people of colour and LGBTQ+ workers, most notably the Dobbs decision which revoked women’s right to obtain abortions. Perhaps most disturbingly, the “Project 2025” blueprint for a second Trump presidency put together by the conservative Heritage Foundation lays out a clear program of busting unions and rolling back legal protections for workers. Project 2025 proposes a vast increase in the power and politicization of the executive branch – essentially, if Trump is elected, the most extreme anti-union forces in the country will be running the federal government. Biden has been a disappointment on many fronts, including the fact that on his watch US Citizenship and Immigration Services has initiated the layoff of hundreds of UE members at service centers in three states. However, his National Labor Relations Board has been the most worker-friendly board in decades. His administration’s economic policy has helped maintain the low unemployment that has given workers the confidence to take on their employers in a more militant way. While Harris has little in the way of a record to judge her on, if elected we can reasonably expect her to continue to appoint pro-worker members to the NLRB and judges who are less overtly hostile to worker interests. We therefore reaffirm, as we stated in June, our belief that “[a] second Trump presidency would make it far more difficult to organize – and to build the labour party we need and deserve.” We also reaffirm our recommendation that workers strategically vote against Trump by voting for the only viable candidate running against him – which is now Kamala Harris. However, we recognize that, in the long run, merely voting for the lesser of two evils is incapable of producing any kind of positive good for working people. Working people need an independent political organization to fight for our interests against the corrupt two-party system, and we call upon our locals and members, the rest of the labour movement, and our allies in other social movements to get serious about building a true political alternative, a labour party that can unite and speak for the working class.