samedi 31 août 2019
jeudi 29 août 2019
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German CP, Declaration on sectarian group in Germany
8/29/19 4:28 PM
- Germany, German Communist Party Ar De En Es Fr Ru
Liebe Genossinnen und Genossen,
wir haben bereits im vergangenen Jahr über die sogenannte "Kommunistische Organisation" informiert, die nun wiederum unsere Schwesterparteien angeschrieben und sich dafür der Adressen im SolidNet bedient hat. Wir möchten deswegen erneut über den Charakter dieser Gruppe informieren. Es handelt sich um eine linkssektiererische Gruppe, die im Wesentlichen aus einigen Dutzend Mitgliedern besteht, die die DKP und die mit uns freundschaftlich verbundene Jugendorganisation SDAJ in spalterischer Manier verlassen haben. In den Kämpfen der Arbeiter- und Friedensbewegung sowie anderer Bewegungen in Deutschland spielen sie keine Rolle und treten nicht auf.
Mit kommunistischen Grüßen
Parteivorstand der DKP
Dear comrades,
Last year we already informed you about the so-called “Communist Organization”, which has now again written to our sister parties, using the addresses they found in SolidNet. Therefore, we would like to inform again about the character of this group. It is a left-wing sectarian group, which essentially consists of several dozen members who have left our DKP and the youth organization SDAJ (which is connected to us amicably) by way of splitting. In the struggles of the workers and peace movement, as well as other movements in Germany, they do not play a role and do not appear.
With communist greetings
Party Executive Committee of the DKP
Уважаемые товарищи!
Уже в прошлом году мы проинформировали о так называемой «Коммунистической Организации» (Kommunistische Organisation), которая теперь вновь написала к нашим братским партиям и для этого воспользовалась адресами в Solidnet. По-этому мы хотим проинформировать о характере этой группы. Она является лево-сектантской группой, у которой в основном некоторые десятки членов, которые ушли из ГКП и из нашей дружественной молодежной организации SDAJ с целю раскола. В борьбе рабочего движения и движения за мир в Германии они не имеют значение и не являются видными.
С коммунистическими приветами
Центральный комитет ГКП
Chers camarades,
L'année dernière, nous vous avons déjà informés de ce qu'on appelle l’ « Organisation communiste », qui a de nouveau écrit à nos partis frères en utilisant les adresses dans SolidNet. C’est pourquoi nous aimerions vous informer à nouveau sur le caractère de ce groupe. Il s'agit d’un groupe sectaire de gauche qui se compose essentiellement de plusieurs dizaines de membres qui ont quitté le DKP et l’organisation de jeunesse SDAJ (qui nous est amicalement liée) d'une manière scissionniste. Dans les luttes du mouvement ouvrier et pacifiste et d'autres mouvements en Allemagne, ils ne jouent pas de rôle et n’apparaissent pas.
Avec les salutations communistes
Comité exécutif du parti du DKP
Estimadas/os camaradas:
Ya el año pasado hemos informado sobre la „Organización Comunista“ (Kommunistische Organisation) que una vez más les escribió a nuestros partidos hermanos, utilizando las direcciones encontradas en la página SolidNet. Por lo tanto queremos informar nuevamente sobre el carácter de este grupo. Se trata de un grupo sectario de izquierda que esencialmente se constituye de unas docenas de miembros que salieron de nuestro Partido Comunista Alemán (DKP) y de la organización juvenil SDAJ, unida fraternalmente al DKP, de manera escisionista. En las luchas de los movimientos obreros y de paz, o de otros movimientos en Alemania, no tienen papel alguno ni aparecen allí.
Con saludos comunistas
Comité Central del Partido Comunista Alemán
الرفاق الأعزاء،
لقد أرسلنا لكم رسالة، العام الماضي، بشأن المدعووين "المنظمة الشيوعية"، والتي قامت مجددًا بإرسال رسالة للأحزاب الشقيقة عبر العناوين الموجودة على صفحة "سوليدنت". لذا، نعاود إعلامكم حول طبيعة هذه المجموعة، فهي مجموعة يسارية متعصّبة والمكوّنة بالأساس من بضع عشرات الأعضاء الذين تركوا صفوف الحزب الشيوعي الألماني DKP وصفوف منظمة الشبيبة SDAJ (التي تربطنا بها علاقة وثيقة) من خلال الانشقاق عن الحزب والشبيبة. كما هي الحال مع حركات أخرى في ألمانيا، فهم لا يلعبون أي دور ولا يظهرون على ساحات النضال من أجل العمال وحركة السلام.
مع تحياتنا الشيوعية،
السكرتاريا التنفيذية للحزب الشيوعي الألماني
Urgent Actions
- Paraguayan CP, On the international sentence in the Arrom-Martí case
- Tudeh Party of Iran, We stand in Solidarity with the people of Sudan
- CP of Venezuela, Statement against imperialist aggression - Unity in defense of the homeland!
International Issues
Communist Party of Cyprus – AKEL: 93 years of struggles for Cyprus and its people
AKEL C.C. Press Office, 15th August 2019, Nicosia
In conditions of deep illegality and secrecy, on 15th August 1926, in a small house in Limassol, some twenty vanguard Communists took the decision to establish the Communist Party of Cyprus (CPC). This event completed a long process of discussion and fermentation within the first underground communist cells, which appeared on our island under the direct influence of the ideas and visions of the 1917 October Revolution in Russia.
The first Communists faced many difficult and painful years as they found themselves targeted by the colonial power, the establishment of the plutocracy, clerics, encountering prejudice and the ignorance of the popular masses. Despite the adversities, convictions, unbearable fines, harassment and repression, imprisonment, the CPC not only endured, but created the preconditions for the development of the struggle for the rights of the working people, peasants, craftsmen, women and the youth.
The CPC asserted social justice, labour rights, set ambitious visions and long-term goals. It above all set the full liberation of Cyprus from the colonial yoke as its priority and paid a heavy price with the enforced exile of two of its leading militants (Vatis and Skeleas), as well as the imprisonment or tracking of dozens of its militants after the repression of the 1931 October anti-colonial revolt at a time when most of its political opponents cooperated and served the foreign power during the British colonial regime of Governor Palmer. The political structure of AKEL, the entire People’s Movement of the Left, rests on those solid foundations laid by the pioneering Communists with their struggles, action and self-sacrifice.
AKEL, a creation of the illegal CPC and its worthy successor, left its indelible mark on our people’s political and social struggles, in which it continues to play a pioneering role up to the present day, to lift the Turkish occupation and reunify our homeland, for the solution of the socio-economic problems accumulated by the economic crisis and the neoliberal policies of the governing ruling circles so that the paths and perspectives for a fairer society that will focus on the common people and their needs will be opened up.
Turning our memory back to 1926 and the course of over nine decades which followed, we pay tribute to the thousands of members and militants of the mass organizations of the People’s Movement of the Left who, with their sacrifices and struggles, created the best possible conditions for the common people and established AKEL as a serious, responsible and mass political and social force, which represents a guarantee for the vindication of our people – Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.
We pay tribute to the many hundreds of militants, members and friends of AKEL who sacrificed even their very lives for freedom, independence, democracy and peace in our country.
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the CPC – AKEL, we renew our commitment to continue the struggle for the reunification of our homeland, for social justice, equity and prosperity.
- Jul01
Intervention of Georgos Koukoumas, member of the C.C. of AKEL and the International Relations Department, at the Hearing “Palestine: What’s Next?” organized by GUE/NGL
2015-07-1 - Feb26
Hearing “Cyprus and Energy: Peace and prosperity in the region”
2015-02-26 - Nov13
AKEL participates at the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties
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lundi 26 août 2019
CP of Venezuela, Pronouncement from the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) Regarding the Threats of War from US Imperialism Against Venezuela
8/26/19 2:40 PM
- Venezuela, Communist Party of Venezuela En Es South America Communist and workers' parties
The PCV energetically rejects the recent declarations emitted by the head of the US Southern Command Craig Fuller during the start of the military and navy ‘Unitas’ exercises in which he expresses that the US Navy is ready to deploy its forces against Venezuela once instructions are received. This new and serious threat of military intervention confirms the intentions of US imperialism to double down on its criminal offensive against the Venezuelan people and which has as its objective the overthrowing of the legitimate government of President Nicolas Maduro.
Likewise, we express our rejection of the Unitas military exercises in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where 9 Latin American nations will participate: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Panama and Mexico, as well as the navies of the US, Portugal, UK and Japan. These exercises coincide with the adoption of new unilateral coercive sanctions against Venezuela and the threat of a naval blockade by the US government on the Venezuelan coasts. We denounce these military exercises as a warlike provocation from US imperialism and its allies against Venezuela and the governments of the region which aligned to its hegemonic plans, as well as being a dangerous threat for the peace and stability in the region.
We call on the International Communist Movement and those forces committed to peace to stay alert and intensify their actions of international solidarity. We especially call on the Communist Parties and the democratic and progressive forces of Latin America and the Caribbean to increase their mobilisation and struggle in the continent to contain the warlike plans of imperialism and its allies in the region.
Department of International Policy – CP of Venezuela
Pronunciamiento del PCV sobre las amenazas belicistas del imperialismo Estadounidense contra Venezuela
El Partido Comunista de Venezuela rechaza enérgicamente las recientes declaraciones guerreristas emitidas por el jefe del Comando Sur de Estados Unidos, el almirante Craig Faller, durante el inicio de las maniobras militares marítimas Unitas, donde expresa que la marina de los EEUU se encuentra lista para desplegar sus fuerzas contra Venezuela, una vez reciba instrucciones. Está nueva y grave amenaza de intervención militar, confirma las intenciones del imperialismo estadounidense de recrudecer su criminal ofensiva contra el pueblo venezolano, que tienen como último objetivo el derrocamiento del Gobierno legítimo del Presidente Nicolás Maduro.
De igual forma, expresamos nuestro rechazo al desarrollo de los ejercicios militares marítimos "Unitas", en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, donde participan 9 naciones latinoamericanas: Brasil, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú, Chile, Panamá y México; junto a las marinas de guerra de EEUU, Portugal, Reino Unido y Japón. Llamamos la atención que estos ejercicios militares coinciden con la adopción de nuevas sanciones unilaterales coercitivas contra Venezuela y la amenaza realizada por el Gobierno de los EEUU de bloquear navalmente las costas venezolanas. Denunciamos estas maniobras militares como una provocación belicista del imperialismo estadounidense y sus aliados, contra Venezuela y los Gobiernos de la región que no son afines a sus planes hegemónicos, y una peligrosa amenaza para la paz y la estabilidad de la región.
Convocamos al Movimiento Comunista Internacional y a las fuerzas comprometidas con la paz, a permanecer alertas y a intensificar las acciones de solidaridad internacional. Especial llamado hacemos a los Partidos Comunista y las fuerzas democráticas y progresistas de América Latina y el Caribe, para incrementar la movilización y lucha continental a fin de contener los planes guerreristas del imperialismo y sus aliados en la región.
Urgent Actions
- Paraguayan CP, On the international sentence in the Arrom-Martí case
- Tudeh Party of Iran, We stand in Solidarity with the people of Sudan
- CP of Venezuela, Statement against imperialist aggression - Unity in defense of the homeland!
International Issues
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